another year passes.....
So here we are at the top of 2005, with only one more full day left to say goodbye to a year that has virtually flown by in most cases.... and to some, not gone by fast enough. However the speed or agility to it's passing, it brought upon us a wide range of issues that will stay with us long after we blow out the birthday candles for 2006.
We will still have to deal with the disasters that struck our Earth throughout the year. These disasters wiped out towns, and the lives of whole families... and what it left behind is incalculable. We could read the news, and have it flashed to us in stories, but we will never know the true depths of their devastation if it did not affect us personally. We can only see it in the eyes of those down-trodden by its wrath.... and hope that someday, somehow, these areas will be restored. Between the record number of hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast, the earthquake that demolished many areas of Asia, and the aftermath of the tsunami from last year this time, we are left wondering to believe what the next natural disaster could possibly be, and where.
Then we had the man-made varieties of tragedies. No Mother Earth to blame here. Our score of servicemen killed in Iraq has passed the 2,000 mark, for a war most of us do not want, and from a government that changes it's ideals monthly on the reasons why we are there. There are so many theories, so many pros and cons to the situation, and so many killed why we try to figure it all out. Funny thing about war... you can't just "shut" it off as you would a faucet. Ask Henry Kissinger about Vietnam. The numbers will escalate, and parents will grieve, and hopefully next year this time we will be closer to ending the hate that man has for one another.
We also lost a Pope this year after 26 years of service. He was a well respected man, and a voice of peace. I am a Catholic, though not practicing, but I still revered his message. He traveled to distant countries conveying his message, and even took a bullet on one of his journeys. After recouping, he visited his assailant in jail and forgave the man for his actions. Could anyone else have ever had that much compassion? I truly doubt it.
We also endured the debate of whether Terri Schiavo should have her feeding tubes removed after being in a coma for the last 15 years. Nobody in the court system really wanted to have anything to do with the decision, as it wavered on long enough that she eventually died several weeks after the last appeal and all tubes disconnected. Most of the courts decisions were of the opinion that she would never recover, the tubes should not be reconnected. The news services showed the same tape over and over of her in her hospital bed, showing that she "might" be responding.... what they forgot to tell you was that these tapes were taken a few years back, no such movement was coming from her now. It was a sad day for pro-lifers, and one that made others think that they should have their wills made out in case something of this scale came down upon their families. It was a good day for lawyers, though.
We found out the identity of "Deep Throat". For those of you who were not around in the 70's, this was a defining moment in the history of our Presidents. It was Deep Throat who contacted Woodward and Bernstein with enough information to bring down President Nixon (along with the testimony from John Dean), and put Gerald Ford in the position of deciding on a full pardon for Nixon after the baton changed hands. (Said decision ruined Ford's political career thereafter.) The question of who was Deep Throat lingered in the back of our minds for years... I even had my own theory that it was "I am in charge!", Alexander Haig (said after President Reagan was shot). Who said secrets can be kept?
Michael Jackson was acquitted , which I found to be a bad decision. There is something truly disturbing about a grown "man" that wants to play with little boys... then to show up to court in pajamas? Sorry, I can still add, and something about this whole circus didn't add up correctly.
Then Martha was released after her stint in a womans state penitentiary. I used to be a big Martha fan when she first came out on the circuit, but became discouraged with her snotty ways after hearing too many stories. I'm still not a huge fan of hers, but have noticed that she has done some work on her image.... so maybe some time in the pokey gave her time to reflect.
There are also other stories that grabbed the media attention.... and no, it was not about Brad and Jen and Angelina or Tom and Katie.... who really cares what they do in Hollywood!
I am talking about several steps for peace in the Israeli withdrawal of the Gaza strip. Israelis have occupied this area for 38 years, never a peaceful situation to be sure. During all that time the people in this area have endured many missile attacks, ambushes, and a host of other hate acts back and forth; we in the US could not possibly fathom. I only hope that the Islamic fundamentalists see it as an act of peace and not a sign of weakness on the part of the Israelis. One good sign of hope came from a Palestinian school principal who said, "I don't look at their withdrawal as a victory, the only winner is the cause of peace". He also said, "We must not let our wounded memory guide our future". This is truly one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind. Perhaps the "terrorists" we fear (for good reason), will remember that next time they decide to suicide-bomb London buses and train stations.... although I fear many more years will pass before they can understand that reasoning.
Let's see.... Prince Charles finally married Camilla. Well, it's about time! Yes, I was a big fan of Diana, and saddened by her loss, but I never thought they were truly matched for one another.
I was glad to see that Charles broke ranks with the whole ritual of what was proper, and just went ahead with his heart. I was not crazy about the hats worn at the wedding though... just a few too many feathers.... but who cares, as long as they are happy.
We also lost some of the greats this year. Some were controversial, some ground-breaking in their fields. All in all, too many to list, but never to be forgotten. Watch any award show (of which Hollywood will have many), or read any newspaper and you will see that the list is not short. May they be practicing their craft in the great here-after to many audiences that enjoy them as much as we did.
So you see, the year has been quite full, zippy though it was. There are even many more happenings that I have forgotten to mention. I leave that up to you, and your memories, and hope that 2006 sees you having a year filled with dreams accomplished, our servicemen home, and widespread peace on earth.
Happy New Year!