Wednesday, December 14, 2005

request from the castle of nannbugg.....

This is a little game of tag. It is played by announcing a subject (in this case: 5 bad habits) that I need to reveal to the world, then "tag" five others to do the same. Although I am a gamer from a long way back (my Dad taught me how to play poker when I was just a wee little one), I am rusty at games today (unless you count the ones I play on the computer in my "free" time).

Here goes:

1) I play my free cell game while I am on the phone taking orders for customers, or talking over menus. Since I can do it in my sleep (both order taking and playing solitaire), I find no real problem doing it while I'm wide awake.

2) I have to have absolute silence around me when I am on the phone... nothing worse than being distracted by loud voices when I am trying to hear something. Solitaire does not count, as it is very silent!

3) When I wrap a present, it must be perfect.... corners tucked in properly, and tape laid just right. Otherwise I will start over again (unless I am too busy to, and just need to get it out). My theory is that everything is in the presentation.

4) After doing laundry, everything has to be folded just right so that I can avoid wrinkles, thereby avoiding ironing. (I hate to iron!)

5) I can't leave my desk or any work for that matter, unfinished. I will stay up into the wee hours of the night just to have it cleaned off or cleaned up.

There, that wasn't so bad, was it. It all seemed pretty practical to me, and not like "bad" habits at all.

OK.... for the tagging. Let's see, hmmmmmm.... thinking, thinking.......

Snaggle, Neo, Jen, Citysoul, Mayor Morgs. Good luck, y'all. It's really a lot of fun, and once you get started, it's almost hard to stop a five. Looking forward to reading yours!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Wow, we do think alike...I do the wrapping, laundry (I hate ironing too), and I was just telling a friend today how I used to be really bad about cleaning off my desk. I had to ease up on that, it became overwhelming.

8:26 PM

8:28 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Lee Ann- All I can say is that great minds think alike! Absolutely nothing wrong with a little order in your life, right?

8:47 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen -Is it ok, if I just leave it here in your comment section?

5 things is kinda small eh?



1:17 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

1)I drink from the milk carton

2) I pile my clothes in the corner of the bedroom ontop of my amp before washing them.

3) I leave my mail pile up on the fridge til I get ambitious enough to sort it.

4) I wait to the last minute to do almost anything. I figure better late than never.

5) I fall prey to lists on the blogosphere. ;)


1:21 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Neo- Yes. You are a real trooper, and it's nice to know the real you!
(but I think #5 is something you "hate" and not so much a "bad habit".... LOL!)

8:09 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

hi I can see I've been tagged,
n may finish the answers sometime n post it, but not today... (can't think of these very easily got 2 so far)
Hope it's ok that I won't ask specific people to do it, just pose a general challenge. I don't pass email chains on either. At least there's no curse on this version... Whew!

11:07 PM  
Blogger Harlyn said...

you're bad habits aren't so bad I think...hmmm now mine...

11:15 AM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen -My bad!

#5 - I flick ciggies on the street?

1:23 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Neo- You are too funny! I laughed when I read your #5. Now that is a bad habit, and not something you hate. LOL!!!

Morgs- Seems like we are suffering from the same affliction!
I'm just getting home tonight from another 18HOURLONGASSDAY. Thanks so much for stopping by, I've missed you!
I've been trying to keep up with the posts of everybody, but today was specially hard. I did read your Wally-mart post, and rolled on the floor. How true about that place! I will jump over to Cerealtown when I get the chance!

9:41 PM  

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