Sunday, December 11, 2005

disorder in the court....

I am fortunate to be able to get my sunday paper on saturday, therefore being one step ahead of the sale pages, TV guide and coupon clip-outs. This saturday, I actually took the opportunity to read a little first before pulling out the saveable parts, and I came across an article about the trial of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It confirmed everything I had seen on the news service reports, and the actuality of the circus it has become.

Here is a man who ravaged complete havoc, raped, pillaged and literally had his own people tortured, all in the name of his big ego.... and it continues in his appearances to court everyday.
He still wishes to be addressed as the true leader of Iraq, and proves his ignorance everyday by interrupting witnesses against him. He has delayed testimony of witnesses who wait patiently to tell their stories of abuse and imprisonment, all the while wondering why he should not be able to read his own memos written from his cell.... thereby putting his "paperwork" before the suffering of the "nobodies" he had ruled.

Does this not show the little to no respect this man has, treating the complete process as if it were a cabinet meeting, and not a trial for his life. It also shows me the lack of respect he has towards the proceedings that his ego has no idea of how to wrap around. Since he does not recognize the democratic methods, his outbursts have resonated in the courtroom turning it into not a court of law but a situation of who can make the biggest ruckus.

Funny how this makes me wonder the true reason why he is stalling so much. It is quite possible that he is using this tactic because he knows that the judges and lawyers are uncertain how the way things work in democratic trials, other than Ramsey Clark, or is he hoping that
one of the security forces guarding the proceedings is a true believer in his now defunct regime and will commit an act of terror in the court. Whatever the reason, I feel he is not worthy of all this fuss. There is no doubt of the atrocities he committed against his own people, and the court has many witnesses to attest to this fact. Since he seems intent on allowing his ego to dictate his actions, it has been noted that it is possible the court is allowing him to shout his way into absurdity. And with that, Hussein is truly making strides, even if everything else around him is not.

This was not a post to pervade the pros and cons concerning the war we are now involved with.
I am not a believer in war, but I am a believer in the system of justice to those who have committed acts of injustice against mankind. In my opinion, these people deserve the same treatment that they so easily handed out to their victims. But then that's just my two cents worth.....


Blogger Neo said...

Ellen -What they need to do, is take his ass outside the courtroom, and shoot him.

He knows how this will end. And he's scared.

Justice is coming. We just have to wait it out.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

An "eye for an eye' is the ancient justice from the Old Testament, ya seem to be alluding to.

I don't believe in the death penalty anymore, used to. I think keepin him around n treatin him like dirt is an apt punishment.

He's still trying to use the power he had before, which was taken away, n obviously doesn't understand the truth of his situation at all.
He's trying to keep up the brave front, just doesn't realize he can't justify what he condoned as a leader as different than what Bush did... His people were operating that way for hundreds of years before he did it!

I'm not defending him, just don't think two wrongs make a right. Seeing him humiliated is more rewarding for me...

5:19 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Ellen, I would definitely agree with your words..."I am not a believer in war, but I am a believer in the system of justice to those who have committed acts of injustice against mankind. In my opinion, these people deserve the same treatment that they so easily handed out to their victims."

7:44 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Neo- When I read your comment, I thought about the soldiers who captured Saddam, and wondered why they just didn't do the job then... save the world from the shenanigans of this evil monster.

Snaggle- I knew you'd catch the Old Testament justice...
Yeah, in a way, treating him like dirt would seem like justice for us, but I had to look at the big picture and the way these people look at the world. It is entirely a different concept, one that is not in the least bit Christian. To them, and their way of life, the world is "wrong" in their eyes if you are anything less than their religion. They way they treat their own people with the suicide bombers exemplifies that. If you offer them peace, they look at your offering as a sign of weakness, not an olive branch to solve the differences. To keep him around, would only serve the rest of the terrorists reasons to create more havoc... equally so if he were put to death. It is a no win situation, no doubt.
I do believe in the death penalty for people who reek so much havoc, as I liken it to a rabid dog.
Our society cannot condone such behavior as it becomes a chaotic wedge to a system of order, and if it weren't for the fact that he condoned such behavior, as well as participated in it wih his sons, I'd be willing to feel that life in prison was apt punishment. But his crimes have far surpassed a simple mistake. To me, he epitomizes the justice of "an eye for an eye".

Lee Ann- I see you believe in the Old Testament as well.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen -Yeah, too bad they didn't finish him on the spot. Oh well, he'll get his yet.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

ya, I suppose quicker n simpler wild-west justice would be nice for a change. Shootin's def way quicker!
Now, if I was defendin myself, lookout!
... Let's face it, a movin target is much more fun than a blind-folded one sittin still in chains...

(in video games)

7:19 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Snaggle- LOL about the "wild west" approach... even though this is supposed to be serious stuff.

Neo- Justice can't come fast enough
for a man with no redeeming qualities. But we'll have to wait to see what the Iraquis do. I wouldn't doubt that there are a few more surprises up somebodies sleeve to stall this longer.

Snag & Neo- I watched a news story about the children of the Iraq Ballet tonight. Needless to say it was a heartwarming report.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen -I missed that in the news then again, I've been out to lunch since Sunday, and last night I just didn't have much energy. I ended up sleeping most of the night. But I'm sure each step like that will help them start over.

Neo crosses his fingers

2:21 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Neo- It was kind of bittersweet in it's own way. These children are trying hard to learn, and are even dancing with what otherwise would have been considered "bad ethnic types" under the Saddam regime. It doesn't phase them at all... as children only learn what they've been taught, and they are still a bit young to have grown all the predjudices of a bad government.

They said that they try very hard to block out the bombings and put their mind in a better place when they dance. They showed a small amount of their recital, and you would have thought you were looking at any 1st graders program anywhere in the world, not the war ravaged country they presently live in.

BTW- the school has been a target of several bombings, but the children show up everyday anyway.
An Ambassador from the Netherlands donated new dance shoes for the children... how sweet was that?

3:40 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen -The power of music and dance can transend the evils of the word. I've long believed that. Music is the one great uniter in our world. I wish more of the world would understand that.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Neo- I'm inclined to agree with you. That's why it makes me mad when I see schools that have to drop their "arts" programs, yet wouldn't dream of doing it with the sports programs. Not to say that sports aren't important, but why is it that the arts are at the bottom of the barrel?

4:49 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

My high school dropped Art, then Music.
Kinda pushed me the other direction! Didn't stop me, but no one else in my old class now does it. N none of the men ever learned to dance!
I walked a mile to the public school every Tues for Folk-dancing where I made great friendz of varied ethnicity n faith, n became very tolerant, -which is just what the war-zone people need to learn. Hangin out with the people helps ya understand we're all so alike, n not to be afraid.
I bet the PTSD won't begin really bothering these war-zone kids until they're in their twenties, cause that's when the brain tends to remember all the stress n can't deal. Right now, they're all just forgetting by pushing it to the sub-conscieous, trying not to think of it. It will do a number on some of them later.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Snaggle- Yeah, you got a point on the subconscious thing. It's only too bad they have to grow up and remember all the bad things of their childhood.
I have the amazing luck of just blocking it all out (not bragging here... but...) To me, I had so much going on that I didn't have time to dwell on it, and learned to drop it off by the wayside.
Otherwise I knew it would eat me up. I saw my Mom go through that, and decided I didn't want to follow in her footsteps in that manner.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Ellen, you need to come over to my Castle today! ;)

8:52 AM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen -I don't know why they don't think that music is important. I know I couldn't live without it. Stop by JBI I put a music clip up of me singing and playing guitar. I'd really like your opinion.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Gyrobo said...

Justice is a dish best served with a side of rice.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Lee Ann- I just got in (7 PM), but will hop right over! I love your thursdays!

Neo- I always check you out first before everyone else, and left a comment about my speakers. I might need to ask Santa for a new pair under the tree! Boo Hoo to me for not being able to hear anything... and I was so looking forward to it!

Gyrobo- Thanks for stopping by the garden... and thanks for the first laugh I've had all day... you are too funny! Come by again, and hopefully I will have posted a new story by then.

To All- Thanks for keeping in touch, and sorry I haven't been able to post. You are all too kind to watch after me, and I promise to get something up once the madness stops here (somewhere after the 19th... only 15 more parties to go).

7:17 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Lee Ann- How I am rushing the week away already by thinking it's thursday when it's only wednesday.
I'll do the best that I can with my five "bad" habits... although I really don't think they're too bad.

7:36 PM  

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