Tuesday, June 06, 2006

five things...........

A hearty thanks to Lee Ann for making my post today. Trying to put thoughts together to come up with a meaningful post was an impossible feat, and she made my life easier by tagging me with "five things". So here goes:

5 things in my fridge:

1) Skim milk (I bought 3 gallons on Sunday, and am down to one now... and it's only Tuesday)
2) Fresh fruit (strawberries, pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, bananas)
3) Iced Tea (and no southern home is respectable without at least a gallon)
4) Salad fixings (mixed lettuce, red onions, cukes, shredded mozzarella cheese, homemade dressing to die for!)
5) Leftovers (and lots of them...Geez, it's time to clear that stuff out!)

5 things in my "unusual" closet:

1) A bureau filled with clothes (jeans, shorts, sweaters)
2) A bookcase (filled with rare and favorite books)
3) A few hanging clothes (and I mean a few! All my little size 1 clothes are packed in bins, as they'll never see the light of day again... boo hoo!)
4) Pictures on the walls (mostly of my son when he was little... and oh so cute!)
5) One pair of shoes (I only have a total of four, and I leave them by the doors mostly)

5 things in my car:

1) My cruise card (to get me through the toll faster than everybody else)
2) A plastic container (it's my mini-desk that holds deposit slips, rubber stamp, and calculator for when I go from the post office to the bank without stopping at home first. I try to minimize my outings as much as possible)
3) A cart for transporting catering bins
4) My sunglasses (and I have more pairs of those than I do shoes)
5) My CD'S (which can no longer be played until my CD player gets fixed)

5 things in my purse:

Ok, this one is officially hard, as my purse holds my life, and everything about it. I have a minimum of 500 things in there....

The short version:
1) My wallet (which cannot be shut due to all the coupons, credit cards, store bonus cards, license, very little money, and receipts it holds)
2) A small medical repair kit (it contains tums, gum, and aspirin)
3) Address book (mini, but oh so handy!)
4) Checkbook
5) Eyeglass case (even though most of the time they are on the top of my head.... I only need them for reading, not driving)

So many thanks to Lee Ann for tagging me. These are always a lot of fun, although I have a hard time limiting my numbers. I am, by nature, a pack-rat.... albeit an organized one. My house is tiny, but well filled, although you'd never really know it because I can pack well. And when it gets to be too much, I make the necessary run to Goodwill to drop it all off. Of course, I do make a trip in to repurchase "new" items, which kind of negates the process. But go ahead and ask my brother Karl.... he'll tell you how neat I am!


Blogger wes said...

Great list, these are always great when you can't come up with something meaningful to say. :)

I would have trouble limiting my numbers to five each as well, except for my car, which is completely empty. :)

6:17 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

That is great. You must have been a girl scout, very prepared! I absolutely love your unusual closet.
That was fun reading!

8:11 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Thanks.. and I agree! It also made me want to go clean out the areas I spoke about when I realized that I had more than 5 actual things. (More like in the hundreds.... and that's a lot of stuff!)


lee ann~
Well..... yes I was a girl scout, but I also had a mother who was very big about neatness. No problem for me, as I have those OCD tendencies as part of my nature anyway.

My closet used to have bi-fold doors, but I hated them and took them off.... thereby opening up my room a little more. Now I have to keep the closet clean as it is visual to the rest of the room.
I even put some of those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling.... cause I'm just that funky sometimes!

9:21 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen - Damn, I need to come down south and raid your fridge!

I noticed you don't have any beer in the fridge. *pout*

Peace & Hugs,

- Neo

9:26 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Fun list - thanks, You do seem very "prepared"!
I'll have to give this one some thought, maybe I'll try to answer it when I've got more time...

3:13 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Yeah, no beer, but plenty of milk, tea and water. When my brothers came down to visit in 2003 they bought some beer and the last bottle stayed there till one brother came back down in 2004 and finally drank it. Just not beer drinkers here, but will supply it for company! And you do need to make a trip down!



Oh please feel free to play along!
It is fun... but very hard to limit to just five things. It's amazing how we realize what pack-rats we are when we have to list things.


Blogger had me locked out all day so I wasn't able to get around... but then I am assuming you all had the same problem as well. I hope they finally fixed their little issues so we can continue on....

9:58 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Very cool, I think I did this one a month ago!

10:34 PM  
Blogger .- said...

I brew my own tea - and co-workers who are native texans buy theirs at QT - icky poo
they do not think mine could be any good.
and i reject all my girl scout training - i enjoy slobbiness and other vices ;)

10:48 PM  
Blogger X said...

Love the blog lists...I always have a few in reserve in case I ever want to blog but never know what to see.

And my friend, we need to get you shoe shopping!!! Only four? C'mon now! :)

3:54 AM  
Blogger X said...

*what to say. LOL I need to read these things over before posting!

3:55 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Well lets see if my comments make it today....

Thanks for stopping by... it's always nice to see new people! I stopped by your blog, but had a hard time commenting due to blogger issues.
Feel free to come by anytime!


The best ice tea is the one you brew. I don't know how people can stand the powder or bag in the box stuff. Good for you to know the best one!
Thanks for stopping by, and I'll be over to read your blog!


Isn't it funny that I like to go shopping.... just not for shoes. I actually like grocery shopping more. I know... weird isn't it?

1:53 PM  

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