rough skies and a beacon in the distance........
To say that the month of December was a busy month would be misleading.... it was far busier than any I've spent in years. Knowing that the events of Christmas would end on the 26th, and I could get back to normal life was all I looked forward to, and is what made me know that the light at the end of the tunnel was not another on-coming train. But I was wrong to a certain degree. Instead of things quieting down to a trickle, I ended up being much busier than expected..... all the while waiting for some real time off to have my foot attended to. You see, I've been hobbling around for the last two months on a bone spur in my right heel.
Hubby has continually reprimanded me to have it checked out.... but I let the customers and their food orders come first....and I let my partners take some time off to be with their families over the holidays. Yes, I took time off to be with my family, but I held off going to the doctor. Only with the insistence of my brother, husband, and aching foot did I finally head over to the closest Kaiser facility today to finally get that long needed x-ray to assess the damage I've done. Not bad for letting it go, my doctor assured me..... with some anti-inflammatory drugs and a whole page of exercises to do with my foot, I should be feeling some relief within the next week or so. No, he would not give me a cortisone shot, as I had originally inquired about, as the bone spur is small, and the diagnosis is actually called "planter fasclitis". So what is this little injury that causes you to feel like someone drove a spike right into your heel? Apparently it is an inflammation of the bottom of the foot between the ball of the foot and the heel. Nice. Try walking on that for two months and wonder where your sunny disposition has disappeared to.
And, yes, December was very busy with parties.... many of which were last minute. These were the type of parties that couldn't be turned down just because my foot throbbed, as they led the guests of these parties into calling me for food to be delivered for New Years. What's another week in the scheme of time I told myself.... why not just wait for after New Years Day? Well..... I wasn't a moment too late in that assessment, as this past weekend culminated the worse pain of all as I tried to get my Christmas ornaments and lights back into their boxes. By the end of Monday, I could barely walk for all the strain, and resting my foot only proved to be of no real help. Apparently, I should be stretching this little inconvenience away.... and only with the exercises that are specific to the problem if I ever want to have happy feet again.
So I apologize to all for my absence here, and the fact that you all came over to say hello, wished me well for the holidays, and then heard no response. I wasn't ignoring you.... I was busy looking for the beacon that would lead me home again. Some quiet time, some getting my life back in order, and some time to finally have a look at the foot which has given me so much trouble these last two months.
Awareness asked me what I wished for Christmas this year, and at the time I decided to answer my response in a post. I never answered her question...... but I intend to now. My greatest wish is for peace on Earth everywhere. To live on a planet that houses an intelligent species such as ourselves, we spend so much of our time cultivating hate, wars, and a host of prejudices that set us against one another all too easily. What a terrible waste we've made of our time here if we can do no better than to think of ways to wipe our species clean of the very planet we inhabit. But I know in my heart that this is one wish that cannot be filled so readily. So....... on I wish and hope.
My Christmas (albeit very belated) wish to all of you who stop by here..... that you see the beauty of life that has been put before you, and the luck you really have but often don't see. It really exists, although not always in ways you'd like it to. Remember, being rich is also a state of mind, not just a bank account. If you have friends and family members that care about you, they will be your wealth for life, and make you more rich than you could imagine.
Happy New Years to all.... and may this be the year of wealth you deserve.
Bless your heart, the pain you must have been in these last few weeks. One of my friends came by New Year's Day she too does catering the poor dear was totally wiped out, she was glad she got to be a guest and waited on for a nice change of pace. May we always remember to give thanks for what we have. May this be the year that positive changes occur. :)
Ellen - Typical Ellen there eh? Put off the pain to get things done. A trooper till the end. You are great Ellen.
Take care of that foot and try to rest when you can. It will only heal with time.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
I did a similar thing to my foot at MB's wedding, the inflamation made me buy huge, flat shoes to fit the swelling, n took along time to clear up- so I can commiserate with your poor puppy!
Guess we have to force ya to sit down awhile to get ya back blogging! I hope it doesn't take long to clear up for ya- I never did go see a doc. for mine...
I hope all the work feeds your family for awhile yet!
I've been praying for peace lately, myself! I think the Saddam hanging may really heat things up instead, tho-
Welcome back Ellen.....
Plantar fascitis....ick. That is painful. May I recommend that you google the word "Crocs" and order yourself a pair. They are the ugliest looking things, but they are very comfortable and cushy......AND are being promoted by others who suffer from the same.
My husband has dealt with it for years and has had orthotics designed to wear inside his shoes. They help.
Glad to see you're back online..... and your wishes for Christmas and the New Year are felt by us all....
Just don't know what we can do about it..........hope does float....
A (belated) Happy New Year to you, girl!
Thanks, sweetie.... I can sure emphasize with your friend, and hope she is getting some cool down time. I felt the same way the Saturday before Christmas, and my sister-in-law did all the cooking for the family party. It was wonderful being the guest.... although I still carved the turkey.
Sometimes, I just can't relax no matter how hard I try. I used to tell people that "once a waitress, always a waitress" when it comes to me.... and I really don't mind when it comes to my family's party.
Yeah, silly stupid me... and oh so very typical till the pain gets so bad, it changes my sunny disposition. Then I go in and have it tended to professionally.
The cute little pink pills (anti-inflammitory's) are helping a lot. My foot actually feels like new again.... and in such a short amount of time. Yippee! I just have to remember to do my foot exercises.... oh, and wear those gel pads in my shoes. Cute, huh?
As hubby always tells me: If your feet ain't happy, ain't nothing happy", and he's right. I did at least do a good job in picking out shoes, as they are Dr. Scholls, with the built in gel pads under the arch and partly into the heel. On top of that I purchased a set of gel pads to insert on top of the present ones. The doctor liked that, and told me not to go barefoot for awhile.... and those AI's are working great. I'm smiling already! Pretty soon it will be on to exercises to stretch out the scrunched area.... not looking forward to that at all......
Only too glad to be back, my friend.
My empathy to your husband as well. It's no fun hobbling around and still far too young for a walker... but considering it anyway. My son asked me what was wrong with my foot this weekend, and his Dad piped in, " Oh, she's getting old, is all." Faithful old hubby... always good for a laugh!
Good point about "hope floats"... I only hope nobody with sharp objects is in the hope boat as we are floating along.
....and many belated wishes for a wonderful new year to you and saurkid.
Nice post, Ellen. I'd be happy with a re-run of last year, all things considered. However, I am quite likely selling myself short. This past year surpassed my most optimistic estimations, and '07 looks even more promising. I wonder... can I hold my breath for an entire year??
I'll share this (and your the first outside my immediate family and friends): As busy as last semester was and unexpected crises notwithstanding, I still managed to pull straight "As" (ok, one "A" and three "A-") for a 3.775 GPA! Not bad, not bad at all.
Whew! I think I'm starting to get used to it!
Happy New Year -
Now go take care of that foot!!
I know what you mean, I feel like I have been going full tilt for the last six months.
Ellen - So you're gellin? ;)
You deserve high praise for being so intent in turning your life around, and it shows in your grades. Many congrats for keeping your nose to the grindstone and turning your 25 year plan into a lifeplan. Your sons have a wonderful example to follow... the highest achievement of parenthood.
Oh yeah.... don't hold your breath as it has been the mere fact of your breathing that makes you continue on. Best wishes for '07, and I know you will continue on to do good things.
my utopia~
Well, with the many tasks you have had to pack up and move into a new home.... then unpack to feel settled.... all this through the Christmas season, you have been going full tilt. I hope things have quieted down to just be "normal" busy for you and your husband.
LOL! Yup, I'm a walking commercial if there ever was one. My brother-in-law made the same reference because it was too easy not too.
Ellen, I thought I'd left a comment here but obviously just thought it and never actually typed... Happy feet are so important, I'm pleased somethings helping them :)
Lovely wishes too - perhaps if even a few prejudices are lessened over the year there will be more peace than before - little steps are the best we can hope for and hope for momentum to gather, I guess, love Katie, x
I wish for the same thing every year, but still no avail. We can still hope can't we? It sounds like your holidays was more painful than it needed to be, that's never good. I hope things are on the upswing now. And you never have to apologize for your absence, we all understand and will welcome you back when things slow down for you. All the best in 2007. :)
ooooo, i've had that same pain in the foot. ouch!! glad you finally took care of yourself instead of others.
may 2007 bring you many blessings, joys and lots o laughter.
Good point about the baby steps, and about time that we practiced that measure. I think as long as we have the government officials in control that we (in the US) have now, it will be long in coming.... but as you stated, we need to get that ball rolling.
As for the foot injury... new baby steps are being learned there too.
Thanks for the well wishes! x
I had a feeling that peace on earth would be your wish as well. It must be the environmentalist attitude in you (and your posts)that made me think that.
Things have quieted down a little bit here.... but not much in the area that I take care of for the business. Tax season is coming up, and I will need to make sure all the books are in order for our CPA. Of all people to put in charge of that.... me the poor mathmetician! Thank goodness for Quickbooks, and all the work it does. All I need to do is input all the info, and hope I get it in the right places.
Hope you had a wonderful time in San Diego for the holidays!
You've had a bone spur? Ouch! I feel for anyone who has had to endure that pain. Luckily, I am taking the right measures to get it healed, as I don't want to have the surgery. Just the thought of having them go in there to grind down the bone makes me queasy.
May your 2007 be filled with wonderful moments, lots of great times, and plenty of fun!
Happy New Years to you too! Lots of hugs and health and happiness! :)
'PLANTAR FASCIILITIS' is a foot problem of some NBA players like Tim Duncan and Chris Bosh . I did'nt know that you play basketball . Anyway , get well and take it easy !
Same to you sweetie! Oh, and lots of shopping..... lots and lots of shopping!
I wish I could blame it on baskitball.... but alas, it was my career as a waitress and my flat feet that did me in. I am keeping it rested, well fed with anti-inflammitories, and remembering to do my exercises whenever sitting at my desk. Hopefully it will heal without having to resort to the alternative.
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