comfortably numb.......
Before I get around to my links and say hello to all my favorite reads, I must send an apology for my absence. To say my life has become busy is an understatement... I am far above that assessment. This year I was ready as far as my shoe choices.... but the brain and body are having a hard time with it, and December parties are still in store.
Catering has been very, very good this season... and we have been cooking, hopping, and running in all directions of the metro area. Figure you put a pin in the middle of a map of Atlanta, then count out 100 miles in radius.... and I've been there within the last three weeks. If not, I would have missed all the beautiful foliage we had this year.... as it was the only way I was able to witness the colors of Autumn. And we did have a brilliant year this time. I almost thought I had driven so far that I was back in New England again.
Problem is, I wasn't able to keep up with anything else.... and the leaves in my yard give proof that the house and gardens look abandoned. If it wasn't for the vehicle parked in my driveway, it almost appears that I might have gone on vacation. Not so..... although I'm overdue for a few days around Thanksgiving. This is the "me" time I take every year; if not, Christmas would not exist in our household. There is much baking to be done, and presents to wrap and mail. Hubby wanted to take a few days to go out to Savannah.... but I had to turn the offer down. Geez.... and I really could use a few minutes, hours, and days at the beach. Oh well...... it's chocolate chip banana bread season, and many loaves have to be rotated through the oven. Besides, this is my only time to make the roll, cut, and decorate sugar cookies. I turn on Christmas carols played by a local station and patiently wait to hear "Oh Holy Night" .......as that's my favorite song of all. The baking and music have a way of putting me in the mood.
In the meantime, I have another wedding reception to prepare for this coming Sunday night, and some pre-Thanksgiving holiday dinners to make and deliver through the coming week. I look forward to this time of year because of the smells of turkeys cooking in our ovens, but am well over it by the 10th turkey to trim. Today I hit my mark, as we fed 300 folks glazed ham and sliced turkey. I always forget how slippery those big birds are..... and I nibble too much in the process of carving. How can one not? Problem is, I am a little sick of turkey after the first batch of the season..... the reason I insist we have something completely different for Christmas. I'm turkeyed out by that point.
Somewhere in all the free time I will have left (cough cough), I still need to attack the yard, and clean the house. But first.... I want to take some free time today to go around to each and everyone to say hi.... and so sorry for being awol. The good thing about priorities is that they can be comfortably shifted...... or maybe I'm just comfortably numb.
Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!
Welcome back!! Hope that everything is well.
Don'y worry about missing the rounds, I have been doing the same lately. I hope everything works out. :)
I am so tired after reading your post...can you send me just one little ounce of your energy? You seem to have so much!! I hope you get fully recharged on during your "me time". Good to see you back here, you were missed!
i agree with barbara
you and awareness have an energy I long for - your insight is also something i envy...
good to see you back, wishing you time to sit and chill, even just for a short while until you're up and running again - everyone needs to refuel at times. Am pleased you got to enjoy the autumn colours, katie
Hi Ellen!
Ah........the life of a multi-tasker. The beach awaits.......the beach will wait.
I can smell the aroma of the banana bread........yummy.
Today, I skipped out at lunch and took in two Christmas craft fairs.......the amount of work creating and talent amazes me....it also kickstarts my thinking of preparing for Christmas. I'm looking forward to it this year...hunkering down with family and friends and enjoying time that hopefully doesn't include so much multi-tasking.
Is your Thanksgiving next week?
Thanks, sweetie. I have missed everyone, and only wish I had more time in front of the computer to blog rather than type up invoices. Everything is well... just very busy feeding the masses.
I've finally caught up with the reading and most of commenting on the blogs... just wish I could continue on a daily basis rather than weekly one.
Energy is the by-product of owning your own business. I have had a chance to take a few power naps some afternoons.... but then when my day starts at 5 am, I need them desperately, even if only for five minutes.
I think you have mass amounts of energy to keep up with your blog everyday.... wish I had such dicipline!
Thanks for stopping by... I have missed you too!
It's funny, but I don't feel like I have all this energy... and seem to get more tired by the day. A good deal of that is because I can see the schedule in front of me, and just thinking about it makes me weary. Although I have good job security for the next month (17 confirmed book Christmas parties), I know I need this in order to dig myself out of the hole the past year put me in. Oh if only we could barter for utilities and goods.....
As for insight.... I pale in comparison next to all my favorite reads. Without the friendships I've made here, I might have shriveled up and become too stodgy to change my thinking habits. On the blog, I receive fresh insights to ponder throughout the day, keeping me young in thought and fresh with an open mind. Blogging has been a great way to keep in touch with the world.
rainbow dreams~
Thank you for your well wishes... and I really look forward to a few minutes of downtime soon. I plan to drink gallons of my favorite tea, and maybe even finish the book I started months ago (that I got for my birthday in August). To think, I am only a few pages away from the end, yet it collects dust next to my bed in total neglect for now. Ah, the to-do list.... will I ever finish it?
Yes, it's officially banana bread baking time... for the family and friends of my life. It's a good thing I make double batches to save on some time. I'll shoot you a copy of the recipe via e-mail.
I would have loved to have gone to the craft fairs with you. It's my favorite part of the season to see the masterful works of art... and then go home to duplicate the easy ones. I used to do that a lot in the past... but find I have no time for sewing and creating anymore.
Our Thanksgiving is next Thursday... and already I am not looking forward to turkey. Hubby's family splits up the Thanksgiving and Christmas parties between the Alabama and Georgia locations of the family. This year Thanksgiving is in northern Alabama.... about 3 hours away. I think I'll bring a pillow in the car to nap my way there.
Sounds like you need a vacation sweetie!
Have a great weekend!
Yay! Ellen's still alive!
(just kidding)
Amazing we can find the minutes for this blog thing, isin't it?
I wish I had a chance to be turkeyed out just once- I never get to make the bird here. For some reason the larger over 20lb ones just seem to taste better than the smaller sizes-
Keep running... (Don't forget the Gator-aid!)
Greetings and salutations;
Good to see your back! I have been negligent in not calling however we know where those conversations end up leading to dont we?
I am pleased to hear that your business is doing well. However try to not let it take a toll on your well being. If Hubby wants to take some time and head off to Savannah, by all means find a way to make it happen and leave it all behind. A weekend at the beach is far less expensive than professional therapy! And the memories are better too. I'd rather lay on a beach than lay on a couch.
As for the baking part. The boys and I truely look forward to your sugar cookies every year. It seems like it wouldn't be Christmas without them. But dont let it get in your way and feel you have to get it done. Or make a smaller batch. We will understand, trust me.
By the way, I am sorry for not cathing up on your posts. I also found the one your wrote about Ghosts very entertaining. Thank you for mentioning by former abode. If you get a chance (cough cough) stop by and read my response.
In closing, take my advise to heart. Go to Savannah. I just shipped Sue off to Florida for a 3 day weekend. Yes she was kicking and screaming because the laundry and the kitchen and the yard and the cars and the bills and the kids homework and the shopping. Trust me she will be a different person when she returns. So will you.
Have a fun weekend.
Love Karl
hamg in there! hope you have a great weekend
Here's to being busy! We need to start a support group....lol....
Hi Ellen!! You've been MIA? How about me? Talk about missing out on everything! I think I've been gone for most of nine months....I guess I have a little excuse! Glad to hear catering is going so well...all that baking sound amazing...sugar cookies yum! anyway, just wanted to say hello, was thinking of you! xoxo
Have a nice weekend. :)
lee ann~
Yes, indeed.... a vacation is much needed! Something away from cooking.... something more akin to lounging on the beach with a cabana boy named Juan bringing me endless supplies of tea and turning the pages of my much neglected book I've been trying to finish....
Hope your weekend is equally nice, and that you are adjusting to the cold snap we are having.
Yes.... alive I am.... just not seen.
At least I wasn't picked to make the turkey for Thanksgiving this year. The honors go to my sister-in-law. Funny thing about this cooking thing.... if you are in the business, most relatives feel intimidated by hubby and my presence in the kitchen. Little do they know we are only too grateful to have a day off in front of the stove.
Yes, the larger birds are better as far as taste goes, and we always find that if we oil the bird before seasoning it and shoving it into the oven.... the skin crisps up better. I even love the stuffing cooked inside the bird rather than having it cooked seperately on the side. Even if you use Stove Top.... it tastes so much better, as it absorbs the flavors.
As far as running.... got the best Dr. Scholls on the market.... the ones with the gel pad in the sole. That will be a considerable help, because I think I've developed a bone spur in my right heel. OUCH!
How could I be so lucky to have such wonderful brother? It's always so nice to see you stop by... and I know your schedule is as tough as mine.... perhaps tougher.
I might have to cut down on the batch of sugar cookies... and had considered it last year.... but the brain is a funny thing. I think in doubles when I bake and prepare batches. By mistake last year, I had inadvertantly doubled the batch before I realized what I had done. That worked out well, as it meant I could listen to Christmas carols all day, and make more cookies to send. Besides, I know you hoard them for later consumption... so I wanted to make sure you had enough to last. I might work in a different cookie to send for the boys (not rolled, cut, and decorated.... but lots of chocolate involved).
As for the trip to Savannah.... it can wait, as I'd rather go when the beach is warm and sunny, and I can get some much needed color. Just having a few days off around the coming Thanksgiving holidays will suffice for now.... and I can always complain here if I need a sounding board. Besides, you know me.... you'll get a call before I ever land on a therapists couch.
Love you much!
Thanks, sweetie! Hope you are fairing well with all your packing and moving.....so many things for you to do before all the holidays hit.
LOL! Yes, a support group for all the busy people! Think we could find a venue big enough for us to fit? Or perhaps we would all be too busy to show up, huh?
Thanks for the well wishes, sweetie. I am only sad that I will miss my favorite program on TV tonight because of the reception we are catering. Other than that, I was able to get my house and yard work successfully done by yesterday, which left me time to get to my second favorite addiction: blogging, before I have to go off and get into my penguin suit for the night.
So glad to see you stop by.... and completely understand your MIA status. Pregnancy and new babies are quite a handful! I loved the pictures you posted, and can't wait to see more. Many congrats again to you both!
skye & M.~
Hoping your weather is nice over there in California.... and that you are feeling much better from the nasty cold/ flu that attacked you. Love the newspaper ads you earmarked for Leno.... way too funny!
YAY, you're successful! No apologies needed. I know exactly what you mean.
Being a business owner does have some great perks... and those moments when you wouldn't mind working for someone else just to have a real day off, doesn't it?
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