Just past the boundaries of my flower gardens, in my backyard, is a fence that separates my neighbor (and a whole neighborhood) from mine. Since my yard is so dense with trees, I can barely see past the fence, except for a small part that runs the length of the back flower garden... at the bottom; where I can see into the neighbors bottom part of their back yard. I've always joked that I could walk stark naked past my bedroom window with no fear of anyone looking in, as the trees offer total foliage cover.... well, except for that small patch at the bottom of the fence. This is not a regular solid fence.... more like posts with board runners. At one time someone hammered up chicken wire as further retention, as they had dogs to keep kenneled. I've never changed it in the 14 years I've lived here, and never felt the need. Sure, a nice privacy fence would look good... but I've never been in the mood to jump back there and do it. Besides, the old fence has a weathered quality to it, and I've added artwork for color and texture. Each post holds a sun face with cupped hands... and the many branches that I have pruned hold many birdhouses I've collected over the years. It's totally girlie... but that's kind of the look I was going for. No I don't have any of those silly bending over old people.... or those pin wheels, but I do have statuary, colorful clay pots, birdbaths, and even an old fashioned bicycle plant holder. I often sit out on my porch to admire the new look I did this year as compared to last... and I always find myself keeping very quiet lest the dogs beyond the fence hear me and start a barking tirade.
I can think of many times I could have been ratted out when watering during the summer restrictions, as the dogs would come to the fence and announce their presence. That would start up the dogs that lived next door to them to join in the festival of barking, and quickly I would shut off the hose. After a few minutes of the dogs claiming territorial rights with each other, the owners of both homes would come out to call the dogs off. After all, we do have an ordinance for noise pollution as well.... and barking dogs fall under that category. Once everyone was inside again, I resumed my watering.
It doesn't always take me being out there for the dogs from both yards to get going... all they have to do is hear themselves, and the barking commences. I really don't mind too much, because the owners are always on top of it, and always shouting out their back doors to call the dogs in, and I got to witness such a scene yesterday. As the dogs barked through their own fences at one another (beyond my sight as this was in their side yard), the owners once again shouted from their porch for silence and quite a few "get-over-here"'s. The neighbor dog behind me had a hard time with this one, this time. He walked down to the bottom of his yard, now within my sight.... then walked the length of the fence, looking up every other step to see his owner on the porch. The look on his face was priceless because you could just see that he wanted to push some boundaries. It was as if to say, "If I walk all the way over to the other side of the yard, and am quiet, can I please stay out?" I had to go inside to laugh, because I didn't want to start up the barking again.... and the dog looked like he really meant it.
As I was telling hubby the story, we came to the conclusion that dogs are certainly not stupid creatures. They are much like children: pushing and testing limits, regardless of wrangling through understanding the word "no" or "stop". Since they both have the luxury of time, and more patience than we do, their quest is non-stop for "yes" and "go", anything to get their way... and when all else fails, many will resort to the pouty face for the cute factor.
Funny how the animal world is not so different from us after all sometimes......
It's amazing what pets can do, n also the lengths their owners go through over unwanted behaviors.
I've observed that dogs tend to instinctually bark at the sound of footsteps, especially those of other dogs. I call the seeming -round-robin barking game a "Rov-alert" a sniglet coined by a TV guy in the 80's (wish I could remember his name as well as the sniglet "Rover + alert")
I got the kenneled spaniel next door to stop barking at me by talking to him by name each time I went out. Now Nemo doesn't mind my footsteps at all. It took about a month, though!
Ellen - I have dogs like that across from my spot. Sadly their owners are such losers they leave them out ALL the time! Even in the WINTER!!
Yap Yap Yap!!
Ugh, that's why I like cats!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Hi Ellen.
Dogs are the best......not the little yappy ADHD ones who seem to have a need to ensure that they are heard loud and clear.......no I'm a large dog fan, particularly Labrador Retrievers. Very smart those Labs. Lily, our golden lab/golden retriever mix is a a gem. Though she will bark at anyone who drives into our driveway, as soon as she sees who it is, she slides down onto her back awaiting a belly rub. she never needs to be on a lease when we go for a walk......mostly because she's such a chicken, but she stays close by. if a car is heard in the vicinity, she rushes back to my husband and stops beside him until the car passes. She guards the kids and will happily sit on the front lawn (never on a chain because we've never had to do that.....she won't run away) watching the kids play until one of them throws a ball for her.
Lily has the run of the house during the day and rarely gets herself into trouble. However, if she succumbs to eating something off the counter or gets her nose into a cracker box etc, as soon as we arrive at the end of the day, she tears past us to cower on the front lawn with a smile (Honest to God, the dog smiles) on her face. Guilt will always kick in with her.
Lily will allow any kid to climb all over her, to play with her, and to throw sticks for her. She knows several words......."squirrel" being her favourite and will come to attention looking for a little varmint to chase.
And, I'm not even a fanatical dog lover......... I must say that Lily, who learned all of her good manners etc by our Choc.Lab Lucy who left us for greener heavenly pastures last spring (she was the queen of laid back)is a true member of the family.
I wrote a couple of pieces about Lucy last spring that I'm quite proud of. I'll send you the links via email. I would love your feedback on the writing.
have a great big barkin' day
It's funny how you trained one to quit barking, and I thought I had done the same thing... but brought on a bigger tirade from the backyard than I had expected. Once during my watering, and during the heat of the summer, I shot the hose past one of the dogs nose... not in a mean-hate way, but rather to see if he would take a drink. He loved it! He didn't back down in any way and kept barking for more as soon as I would return to the flowers. I kept this up for awhile, and then realized that the owners wouldn't be too happy if the dog came in their house all wet... especially since we were suffering one of our many dry spells. Not just that, but, my water bills run an average of $100.00 bi-monthly... I really needed to conserve my usage. Now everytime I go out, the same dog comes to the fence waiting for his drink.... all along barking his demands. My plan back-fired a little, but at least he doesn't snarl at me, or try to jump the fence anymore. And he does display that "smiley face" as if to say, "Yahoo.... treat time!"
Hubby is not too fond of yappy dogs either. He doesn't shoot the hose past the dogs... but rather right at them... which doesn't make me too happy. He's not really mean to them, but just can't stand the constant barking. I told him I don't mind too much, especially at night, as they are an alarm sounder. Course, all of the time it's at a traveling night cat, and not a burgler.
I can't underastand how anyone could leave a dog out all winter, especially in Philly. As much as I like animals to stay outside, and not track in fleas or loose hair, winter is too cold to bar them completely from the inside warmth. I once had a cat that wanted to be outside all day (winter and summer), and would come to the back porch at dusk to be let in. She would walk the same route to the basement and garage door, wait for me to open it, and go to her favorite spot to sleep for the night. Nothing broke her routine... nothing. I tried to open the front door one day to make her exit easier, she would have nothing to do with it, and walked to the rear door as her means out of the house.
Cats are funny animals, aren't they?
My sister and brother-in-law had a black lab named Sadie, and she was the most gentle of dogs. They could let their young daughters out to play in the yard while Sadie kept a watch over them.... even putting herself between them and a wire fence to ensure the girls wouldn't get hurt. She also kept an eye out for snakes, and other critters on her watch. Cyndi never needed to babysit when the girls went out to play, as Sadie was a champ in that department. Lily sounds so much like her.
I've heard that Labs love children, and are the best dogs to have if you do have children. Unfortunatly, too many people in the Atlanta area buy rotweilers (SP?) and other killer dogs... and the number of attacks on neighborhood children went on the rise for awhile, due to poor fences and deprived mad dogs. These poor children who were attacked were scarred for life.
I look forward to reading about Lucy!
Oh my gosh, I love that photo! Yes, dogs are amazing (so are cats) and I think they are much smarter than most people give them credit for.
I have two dogs, one is sweet the other is neurotic, and four cats.
There was a dog across the street that barked non-stop for years and she finally died. I felt sad that her owners didn't care about her.
i always wanted to own a dog but my wife is against it . funny , when i was courting her , she used to own 2 dogs . now she said dogs are too difficult to handle , 'harse' to the furnitures and leave their 'smell' around the house . maybe i shd. court her again !
I'll never understand why some people have dogs, and give them so little care... why bother? I'm willing to bet the one that lived across from you was barking because he just wanted some attention, someone to play with or pet him once in awhile. So sad that the owners couldn't give a little of their time.
Well, once again, I'm with your wife on this one. LOL!
I've had cats, but they've all been outdoor animals because I don't like the smell or fur that lurks in a house. Of course, I always had the cats in during the winter... but for the most part, they wanted out all day, only to come in at night. They were great hunters, and kept my yard free of critters (rats, snakes, etc.) I've never owned a dog because I don't have the time to care for one as they need. And let's face it, dogs are needy animals, whereas cats are very independent.
That said, though.... I hope you can convince your wife your want for a dog. She also might be thinking that if you have a dog, it just becomes another responsibility for her to care for.
Good luck....and your last line is too funny!
I'm sure there are plenty of similarities between dogs and children - but most obviously to me when my parents dog - a beautiful German Shepherd, was a puppy, was the response to love and boundaries and the positive effects praise and reward had on her.
rainbow dreams~
I agree. It's amazing how postive reinforcement can make a world of difference in dogs or children, and I find it funny when I see the same mannerisms as well. Ever notice that dogs hang their heads (like children do) when you are scolding them? You could never get a cat to do that... they are far too independent to care.
so when are you going to post pics of your cool girlie back yard, missy?
I thought I posted this, but it's not there, so I'm posting it again.
We just got two Great Pyrenees’s this week. They're about two years old and still have a lot of pup in them. They're obviously sisters and the former owners decided they weren't even worth finding a home for. According to witnesses, they opened their tailgate, ushered the dogs out and drove off.
For three days they ran around Colfax High School until my co-worker, through her animal rescue foundation, rescued them.
I just got done telling my almost 17 year-old why we can't have a dog last week. Fortunately, when I suggested taking the dogs, he didn't hold it against me. They are very mellow, very white and very big! They are also still a bit apprehensive, will take off if let loose and, of course, don't know their new names - Magic and Missy.
Although litter mates, they have completely different personalities - Magic’s much more dominant than Missy's. But they love to play together and I think that they will be better off together than apart. So far, so good. Watch for pictures on my blog shortly.
My two dogs, BoBo & BugEyes, are definately like kids. Both have completely different personalities, as well. It's the weirdest thing to discover that uniqueness is not merely a human condition!
I'd love to post pictures, but lack the essential tool to do so: the digi-camera. Yes, I have one, but still am trying to figure out how to use it. It would help if the instructions came in plain english. I plan to have a friend come over to take pictures of my yard, but her schedule is as hectic as mine... so I'm not sure when that will be. Soon I hope... at least before the first frost.
I am having the same trouble with my postings. I spend plenty of time typing them out, only to have blogger eat them all up. It's beginning to really frustrate me. I just got through with a whole new post that took a good deal of time to write, only to have blogger eat it for dinner.
I see you have a soft heart regardless of the rules you try to set down for your sons. I fall under the same catagory. I'm only too happy that my son doesn't bring home an animal that he's adopted, because I wouldn't have the heart to turn them away.... and am only too glad that there are no strays hanging around my house. Besides it's dangerous for cats right now, as coyotes have moved into the region, and guess what their favorite meal is?
I look forward to the upcoming pictures of Missy and Magic.... cool names, by the way!
I saw the pictures you posted... and your little guys are as cute as buttons. Funny how they know just the right way to capture our hearts regardless of their unique personalities, isn't it?
Reading this reminded me of the dog at my friends place in Toronto. It's her landlords, and it always barks! I think it has anger management issues. Seriously.
They need to call in The Dog Whisperer... and soon!
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