breezy, beautiful and 74 degrees.........
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.... one even Mr. Rogers would approve of. Of course this makes one want to push aside the paperwork and drudgery of the work day in order to enjoy the teasing of Indian Summer.
Slowly the trees are bowing from their weight of green, and being replaced by sprinklings of yellow and orange. It's just a hint here and there, but from the looks of the driveways and decks, Darwins theory of "survival of the fittest" is being seen by the many sweepings that have to be done in order not to track in the fallen foliage. Those leaves that were chewing practice to the squirrels, and did not buckle throughout the summer, are feeling the cool temperatures of the September night, and succumbing in an orderly fashion down to the ground. Very soon they'll cover everything, and I'll be forced to say goodbye to the beautiful impatiens that made it through the summer, but will not last the freeze soon on the horizon. It will be time to repot everything with winter pansies, while mulching the tannin of magnolia, dogwood, maple and oak tree leaves.
But that is for another day.... today I just want to enjoy the last remnants of great weather. A time when I no longer have to turn on any air conditioner, or whole house fan. The natural breezes are finding their way into my house all by themselves, and I am welcoming the cool nights that will be crisp soon enough. Besides Spring, Autumn is my favorite time of year, and I plan to steal a few minutes of it by myself, while I can.
This is true paradise, and I might just curl up with a good book and a cup of tea to further the feeling. How is weather in your part of the world today?
It's clear n in the 60's here today, with a bit of a sea-breeze. Cool enough for long pant n a second shirt. Quiet, too!
It would be perfect if I didn't have to get ready for work...
Oh well, I did let Mischief out on the deck for a little while n enjoyed sunshine a bit before getting back to the preparation n chores.
Enjoy the beauty of the moments you get there in paradise!
Last night, the autumn breezes blew in. In one day, it went from summer sundress weather to cozy sweater weather. I'm ready for the cozy sweaters and lighting a fire in the fireplace. However, I must say...my feet arent. Today, I wore my new black skirt and top with a jacket and a fancy new scarf.......and my gold sandals. I couldn't, just couldn't cover up my toes. Not yet!
I love this time of year too. In fact this morning when I went out at 7 am, the sunlight was toestepping on the tops of the large oak and maple trees that surround my neighbourhood. It resembled a spotlight.........highlighting the gold and orange leaves. Lovely. All of a sudden, the poetry/lyrics returned to my head as I took the time to jot a few ideas and lines to be incorporated into a poem one of these fall days...........for the life of me, I can't write poetry in the summer. Weird, eh?
Off to serve dins. It's a typical autumn dinner.......tortiere/meat pie, rice and salad. It seemed right.
PS. My fall mums are gorgeous!!!!
lol, you don't want to know. :)
We have nothing but clouds and rain for about a week. Between Thursday and Sunday last week, over that 4 day span, we got over twice as much rain as our average for the entire month of September. :)
I didn't even think about the weather till I stopped by here. Thank you, Ellen, for getting me to stop and look around instead of being focused on things I have no control over.
It was 80 degrees here - just right. Clear skies with a few wispy clouds that are not turning pinkish-orange as the sun sets.
Cool and crisp Autumn morning here in NH. I considered lighting the fireplace just to take the chill out of the air...but watching the sun come up over the lake with my fresh cup of coffee took my mind off of it. The leaves are just starting to show signs of changing into their vibrant colors before they descend to the ground. Soon enough the cold white stuff will coat the driveway and shorts and T-shirts will be a thing of the past. But it's all good. I'll forward you some photos when i get them developed.
Love Karl
Right this minute, it's 70 and the most perfect blue sky I've ever seen. The sunrise this morning was a brillant orange with wisp of pink mixed in it. We have high wind warnings for later because of the fire danger.
Well, as I am sure you're aware, autumn started just hours ago. Although the daytime temperature here in the greater Sacramento metroplex is still in the mid eighties to low nineties, the north wind has been blowing and the humidity has been only around an exceedingly dry 20 percent.
Although an "Indian summer" is bound to come along before the onset of fall and winter, right now the weather is pleasant and comfortable. Not too hot, not too cold... perhaps a little too dry, but I'm not complaining.
Right now, at about 10:30 p.m., it’s about 68 degrees with a mild breeze. I just put the Harley in the garage and removed my leathers. It’s not quite cool enough yet to don all the gear, but it’s close. I always feel that much safer when clad in leather, and if the temperature is just right – it’s the best time to ride.
Soon the rain will come and the snow will fall in the Sierras – another favorite time of year for me. Here’s to the changing of the guard!
The moments only lasted one day, as we have been having overcast skies for the last two. (So sorry for not responding sooner.)
That's ok too, as we do need some rain and are headed for a weekend that can't make up it's mind yet. Weather Channel says 50% chance for rain this weekend, but I hope it's after the festival I plan on going to today... or better yet, have it rain tomorrow when I can just curl up and finish this great book I'm reading.
At least the temps have stayed nice and mild, and we don't need the extra sweaters yet.
It is hard to break the habits of summer so quickly, and it seems that summer zipped by all too fast this year. Shoot, the older I get, the more it seems that the years travel faster. So enjoy your sandels for as long as you can, as boots will be the attire soon enough, huh?
It's been cooler here in the mornings, and since I've had to leave for work in the wee hours of the AM, I have been putting on a 3/4 sleeve sweater, but usually am roasting by the time the noon hour strikes. It still warms up pretty well during the day, but nothing like the 90+ degree temps we had last month. Thank goodness for the breezes, and the fact that I get to come home and change out of long pants into shorts by the noon hour. After all, isn't that the best part of having an office in your home?
Yikes, too much rain, for too many days is depressing no doubt. Worse yet, it makes people on the roads crankier and do stupid stuff when driving.
I hope there are quite a few sunny days ahead before you experience your winter season.... that will come soon enough.
Sometimes it's worth taking a few moments to stop and enjoy the beauty around you... even if it's just nature. I do it often during the day... and call then my breather moments. If I didn't do it, I might just be in a straight-jacket now. It's the one free luxury we should all take advantage of when we can, as we all need breaks to re-group.
Glad to see that yours was a nice vista!
I can't wait to see the pictures of "back home". Of course you realize that they will make me homesick... but that's ok, it'll be worth the peek.
Have a great time at Joels wedding, and don't forget to take some pictures for me there! Again, I am sorry to not be able to come up, but know you understand the circumstances. I hope they have a wonderful day filled with plenty of sunshine.
How close are you to the fires?
I've heard about the Santa Ana winds... and wondered what part of the state was affected by them.
Stay safe, and enjoy the wonderful weather that California gets. Someday, I would like to travel to that part of the country to see for myself.
Well.... I am officially jealous of your bike riding opportunities. I miss my friend who used to take me out on his, as we used to go for the longest rides, because I was never ready to get off. To think during that time, I was too stupid to wear any gear... and more concerned with my tanning (wearing skimpy shorts and a bathing suit top). Good for you to be more cautious. Of course age and experience are good lessons, and I wouldn't be caught in shorts on a bike now.
Thanks y'all for stopping by.... only sooo sorry that I haven't been able to respond sooner. I hope the weather stays great for everyone for a few more days, and that you get to enjoy the last remnants of Indian Summer before winter makes an entrance.
Have a great weekend!
Ellen......I think you must have a bit of Canadian in you. Weather related discussions and predictions etc are a national conversational pasttime. I know people who would prefer to watch the weather channel (and know the names of the broadcasters??!!) than a good drama on TV.
Weather chatiness is in our blood possibly because of the extremes we encounter through our seasons. it is a true jumping off point for longer more engaging conversations between strangers standing in line at the supermarket, between close friends and it's a true icebreaker (no pun intended) between two people of opposite ends of the age continuum.
There's an old saying in the Maritimes that if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it'll change. :)
PS.....a bit nippy this morning during my market venture, but I still wore sandals ........ good thing I have an overheated middle aged woman system!! :)
It used to be that summer is my fav season . now it's fall . falling gas price and falling in love . the cool breeze and changing colors of the leaves are beautiful . i enjoy looking at these !
I know what you mean about the Weather Channel.... my hubby watches it constantly. He even logs on to the NOAA weather site on his computer, and has it listed in mine as a favorite. He is weather obsessed.... but that's ok. I'd rather that than him being a big sports fan (which he's not... except for the Atlanta Braves).
You are so correct about it being a topic of interest between two strangers... probably because it is such a commonality. After all, we are suffering the same temps when we are face to face in conversation, be it hot and steamy, or cold and damp. We can quickly identify with how uncomfortable or pleasing it is.
Funny how we have the same saying in Atlanta about the weather... and it is so true. I could tell stories to fill volumes, especially ones about tornados.
I know all about the overheated MA woman system thing too, and suffer the same symptoms. All it takes is a little humidity, and I'm sweating from head to toe.... not perspiring, sweating profusely. Thank goodness for fans!
Summer used to be my favorite season (mostly because my birthday falls in the summer), but I like Spring and Fall now. Since I come from New England, summers are milder there (or at least were when I was a kid), Spring was ok, but took too long to arrive... plus we had to suffer through black-fly season, and Fall was nice, but the weather was going cold fast.
Now that I live in the South, everything I knew as a season has altered. Summers are too darn hot here, Spring is a wonderful beauty with color everywhere, and Fall is mild and long. I enjoy being able to still see the foliage change, although it's not quite as nice as New Englands, but at least we do get a season. My cousin lives in Florida, and she never sees the color changes. Winters here are pretty mild for the most part, and we even go years without seeing real snow. However, we have had some pretty nasty ice storms, and snow falls.... which works for me, because everyone is asked to stay home. We just don't have enough plows to take care of it. Funny thing is though... most of the snow melts completely by the next day or so, and everything is back to normal... just a little colder.
I don't even own a shovel, or boots.
Found you through Ellen Jay... First time here and am wondering: What part of the world do you live in?
NYC is getting cooler by the minute, although no leaves have begun to turn yet... Fall is truly my favorite!
Welcome to my garden! I'm glad you had a chance to stop by and say hello.
I live in Atlanta now, but am originally from the New England states... officially making me a carpet-bagger. I moved down here 23 years ago, and never looked back enough to return....Hubby and son are natives of the city though.
There are times when I do miss the landscape and family I left behind, as well as the ocean access which was well within an hour when I lived in New Hampshire. I grew up in Connecticut right on the mouth of the Connecticut River in Old Saybrook... and was only blocks away from the beach then. Now the nearest beach is in Savannah, 5 hours away.
It must be exciting to live in a hub that never sleeps... and I've made many trips to and through New York City. I used to be a little apprehensive by having to drive through the city, but found the traffic wasn't too different from what I experience everyday here.
So glad to hear the weather has cooled down up there... as I was hearing reports all summer that you had it pretty hot for awhile. You even had some days that were hotter than ours, which was strange to hear. Our summers resemble the gates of hell... I just had a hard time imagining that for New York City.
It hardly seems possible that the Spring and Summer have passed so quickly... why just yesterday I was complaining about how hot it was. Well the humidity was high, and it did reach in the high 80's... but that's only temporary as the mornings have cooled off considerably.
Here's hoping you have a beautiful Autumn filled with lots of color!
Feel free to stop by anytime.
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