time out..........
Time has become a dimension that is unknown in my universe lately. To make any real plans depends on everybody else, what they're doing, and how involved they've made me. This goes especially so for my work, as it has top billing. After all, it pays the bills, so putting off work is something I have to carefully consider when other plans pop up.
This morning started much the same as all the rest... rising at 5:30 AM. With a quick shower, a fast spritz of perfume, and a jump into some comfortable jeans, I was out the door and on the road to my kitchen 30 minutes away to prep for six caterings, all to be delivered before noon. Noticing that my gas tank was reading a little below half a tank, I decided to play it smart and stop to fill up. No sense running out of gas on Atlantas finest highways, right? Not having my trusty glasses on to read at the pump, I mistakenly pushed the button for a car wash to be included. No problem, as my windshield resembled the bathroom of the many birds that occupy the trees above my driveway. It would be nice to drive without the splotches that dotted my view.
I arrived at my kitchen, and immediately hit the ground running. Making sure that each separate bin for the customers were filled with the necessary components for their individual caterings, I went on to the next task of grilling chicken for a baked potato and salad bar we offer as part of our menu selections. It is usually at this point that I multi-task and scrub up the pots, pans, and many utensils we use throughout the morning. Since it is right next to the stove, I am in the best position to muddle through this, all the while keeping my eye on the chicken so that it won't burn. Feeling relieved that I finished it all so quickly, I breathed a sigh of relief. What could possibly go wrong, as I was ahead of schedule. Leaving with three of the deliveries by 10:15, I had more than enough time to get to the first one... and decided that a stop to the post office would allow me to drag my feet a bit. No sense in delivering hot food too early, as it will cool down too quickly. Besides, the post office was on the way, and it would be nice to see a few checks in the mail. That would be my second and most fatal mistake of the morning.
Returning to my car to start over to the clients office, the key would not turn over the engine. Repeated attempts only allowed for a "click, click, click" sound... not to mention a few choice words uttered from my mouth. This is my utter nightmare when delivering, and it's not the first time I've had this experience. Usually, I am lucky enough to be over and done with delivering before car mishaps happen, but today wasn't my lucky day in that area. "THINK!", I kept repeating to myself, "THINK!" What were my options? With one partner an hour and a half away south to me on two other deliveries, and another partner thirty minutes west of me on another delivery, I knew calling them was futile. Oh yeah, that's right! Chris is home....what did he say before I left this morning.... that's right, no school today. So with a quick call to him to get over to me immediately, an even quicker transfer of food bins, I was behind, but not by too much. Since the post office is located close to my home, I dropped him off and proceeded onto the first delivery. I called all of my clients to let them know of the circumstances, and each were pleasant and understanding..... after all, this was beyond my control, but I had a handle on it if they didn't mind me being a few minutes late. No problemo.... or so I thought.
The first delivery held me up for ten minutes, while they decided where they were going to put the food, the second delivery (20 minutes in another direction) was at a hospital that had little to no adequate parking for delivery vehicles. A few more choice words came out of my mouth (windows rolled up, of course), and I finally arrived to the third delivery (another 20 minutes in another direction) ten minutes late. The gentleman who had originally ordered the food through his secretary (who I had called 45 minutes earlier to let her know of my car troubles) was fuming. When I had explained what had happened, he wanted no part of it. "Just get the food in there!", was his response. I quickly set it up, and headed out the door, handing the secretary her receipt. She took a look at it, and asked if we were going to take anything off "for being late". Scenes played in my head when I remembered the last delivery I had at this particular client, where they made me wait fifteen minutes to set up a catering they had ordered, and I did arrive on time. Since I do a good deal of business with her, and not wanting to lose them as clients, I told her I would get back to the office to see what I could do. I'm almost too glad she didn't follow me to my car, as I was not a happy camper at this point. To think I had risked life, limb, and radar to speed over there..... only to be a total of ten minutes late.
Calling one of my partners, I explained the situation. Now began his tirade of choice words. Being that he is of kind nature, he volunteered to come out to where my car sat dead to take a look at the battery. After all, that seemed like the most logical place to start. If it was just the battery, he could remove it, and plop in a new one.... and, Auto Zone was right across the street, how convenient was that? As it turns out, the battery was worn out, he is very handy, and I was on my way again by 2:00. I picked my son back up, we went back to get my vehicle, and returned home by 2:15. My first order of business was to attack some of the charges against the last delivery's invoice. By this time, I had significantly cooled down, and was generous in taking $75.00 off.
One of the most important things that hubby has done for all of our cars is supply us with tool boxes, and in my case (as I have a problem in this area) jumper cables. I can't think of how many times I have been stranded on the road with one car trouble after another, and hubby wanted to be sure I was armed with enough tools to take care of simple fixes. Yes, I do know how to use them, and have had to plenty of times. When I was stuck at the post office, a kindly older gentleman asked me this very question, and I assured him that I was well rounded in jumping a car. He laughed, and said that he also had a "problem" in that area. He offered to give me a jump from his vehicle, but the charge wouldn't take. He then offered to take me where I needed to go, but I declined as I explained I was a caterer on three missions, and there was no way I could occupy all that time from him. Besides, Chris was home, and I was fortunate that home was only two minutes away from where I was stranded. He looked relieved, even if I looked harried, and I'm sure he said a silent prayer to St. Christopher in my honor. After all, I was still careful in my driving (not like a madman, mind you) but still driving beyond the posted speed limits. I feel quite sure he asked St. Christopher to make sure I arrived safely, and best yet.... no speed traps.
Now that I am home, and it's three hours later, I have no plans to go out any further. Work piled up in the office that needs attending, and I need a little more cool down time on the couch. After all, my choice words earlier, earned me a "time out" of sorts. If I were much younger, my mother would have considered washing my mouth out with soap.
Don't you wish in some circumstances that you could flaunt your anger and flip someone the bird......and just walk away???? Just like in the movies??? Yeah! But, oh no....one has to suffer in silence and remain polite and courteous. Well, and whatever is said in one's mind will never be heard aloud.
Ellen.......what a crappy day. Got a glass of Italian red to sip on?
Just want you to know that you're not alone........
St. Christopher was a busy dude today.
Oh, those kind of days, well they don't seem to get better until I can get home and lock the door. Glad it all worked out in the end.
Man, I send you hugs! Souonds like a hectic day! Cars, god luv em, always break down when you need them most! Sounds like you need shopping therapy. ;)
Yes, the mind was overflowing with words... and many of them! Some spilled out loud, but I was smart enough to hold my tongue till I was well out of earshot. Some days you just want to let people know how cheap and inconsiderate they are... and how lousy for taking advantage of a helpless situation. After all, it's not like I willed my car to break down, right? And all over 10 minutes.
No wine.... only whine here.
Did you have a bad day too?
Yup, the kind where you just knew it was better to have not crawled out of bed in the first place. I have to admit, though, it all worked out well for the circumstances. Just imagine if Chris wasn't home? Or if I had broken down far from home? I would have had three upset customers to deal with. One of the girls who had ordered food that I spoke with even offered to come and get it from me, but I declined, as at that time, I had the situation under control. Nice to know there are a few people that understand t sh** happens.
I was thinking the same thing! Shopping Therapy cures many, many ills. I must schedule a spree soon... only wish you were closer as I know you understand the theory of this, and would be a great companion. First we would have to start off at the closest Starbucks, then there are many malls and stores within a miles reach....hmmmm...... might take a couple of days to sort through them all though. LOL!
I feel overly scheduled, I am bucking it all the way. I want to be free to do as a I please, but that isn't going to happen.
Sounds like a fun day. :p
I hate it when cars act up, mine has left me stranded a few times, but of course I wasn't doing anything important like delivering food, I was simple doing whatever mindless stuff I usually do. I would simply just leave my car and walk. I finally decided to get a cell phone, just in case this happens in the winter time. :)
Wow, that's quite a day's mis-adventures! I hate dead batteries!
I hope you've recovered nicely by now, n are again having timely deliveries. That's alot to take off for ten minutes. I hope the customer appreciates it-
I tend to mutter obsenities quietly while out of earshot...
You must put alotta miles on those wheels-
I wish you much better luck the rest of the week!
ONly a couple days? Bah! Child's play! ;) I think I've found my shopping kindred spirit! :P
what a day huh . just reading your accounts stressed the h**l out of me .
Anyway , I'm sure at the end of the day , you felt relieved . Oh I forgot , there's this customer asking for some ...
I am exhausted just listening to that.
I am sorry you had to go through that. I had very bad car troubles myself, but unfortunately, mine were not fixed by a new battery. I had to buy a new car :(
Take it easy and relax, you deserve it!
Well I think you should jump over to my blog and check out the kind of day I had yesterday. Boy, can I relate. I'd like to say "never again," but that would be folly as well as foolish. I hope things have settled down for you. Me? I'll know in a week!
Word verification: inili - That's gotta mean something!
I hear ya! It seems like the faster I go, the more behinder I get most days. I've been chalking it up to age, and the "I'll get it done when I can get it done" factor. Sadly, clients don't see the humor in it.
Great idea about the cell phone. I can't imagine my life without one now. It is firmly attached to my hip everywhere I go... and I mean everywhere. With my accident-prone abilities, I need every advantage I can get.
Miles is the one thing I do best. And I put plenty on during the course of a week. I am always repeating the Robert Frost line, "miles to go before I sleep" almost everytime I climb into the car, as it is literally the course of my day.
They were appreciative of the money I took off, and with the amount of caterers in the city, I had to do something in order not to lose the account. Whether I like it or not, they know they have us over a barrel.
One word: IKEA. Am I making your mouth water yet?
You made me think of my brother who used to call me at work and try to order 100 pizzas to be delivered in an hour.... except I recognized his northern accent almost immediately. Since he lives in Massachesetts, the delivery charge on that would have been astronomical.
lee ann~
You know what a mess the traffic here is, and I usually use that excuse, which most people have no problem with. I considered this a legitimate excuse as well, but some people have no patience.
How is the new vehicle working out for you? Does it still have that nice new car smell to it?
Ok! I will officially stop complaining about my troubles here, as you had a day to match mine. Thank goodness you had an alternate mode of transportation, or you would have missed your midterm... which I hope gains you an "A", by the way.
"inili"~ verb To find oneself in a jam when one has done every possible thing imaginable to do otherwise.
"inili"~ noun A puzzlement, an enigma. Outside forces working aginst the mainstream...certainly not something people do by themselves willingly.
What a day!
Time out would be well deserved - hope it's quietened down a little now
You know, if I didn't know any better, I would swear it was Battery Time of the Year, because I (and so many of my friends) all had similar experiences lately, and we all bought batteries.
Tis the Season!
I wish I would've been around so I could've helped, and snacked on a little catered food in exchange. Mmmm.
Ellen - Hmmmm, gotta love those people that want money taken off their bills for being a little late. I guess they've never had anything get in the way of them doing a job right?
You took the high road, I think I might have said a few things to her; I can get a visual of her being really snobby about it too.
Sounds like it was just one of those days. They come labeled for us sometimes and all we can do is work through them knowing that hopefully tomorrow is better.
Hope your feeling in a better mood since.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
rainbow dreams~
As you can tell by the lateness of getting back to you, things have not quieted down at all. I can only hope for a day off sometime soon. Guess I shouldn't complain, as this is pure job security at it's finest. Would be nice to have a day off so I can catch up with my life though....
It's funny how hubby and I were just discussing that very fact about our cars, when mine goes out first. It prompted him into getting a new one and installing it the next day. No sense waiting for it to go out by itself... and he swore he could just tell it was going to happen any day soon.
I would have loved to share some of the goodies "in the back". Do you like Italian?
That's the problem in my line of business, everything's negotiable... everything. And don't think they don't know it. You can't imagine some of the requests I've had.
Not sure I handled it as well as I could have, but at least I kept my tongue from doing some serious damage. The secretary was real nice about it... it was her boss who was a PITA.
So right about it being one of "those days"... but it's going on a week now. I'm ready to get off the merry-go-round, and our busy season has just started. Yikes! I'm getting too old for this.....
a couple weeks ago, i was out driving for work.. went to boxford, ma.. 2 hours northeast-ish from my work, go tto my clients house did my work, and when i got into my car to leave the damn thing wouldn't start. crap! so my client and i are all well rounded in jumping, and couldn't figure out her new fangled lexus so she called her husband, awho had a little bit moer of a clue than we did. the jump would take.. couldn't figure it out. i call the boss.. he says i can be there in 3 hours, i'm in holyoke (1 hour south of where i work in amherst) um.. okay.. umass has no AAA or roadside assistance for their fleet of vechiles.. so i waited there for 3 hours with nothing to do in the middle of my clients driveway. he fiddled with the ruck for 2 minutes and started it right up.. wtf?! he said the battery connection was loose..... that sucked, but atleast i got home in one piece, eventually. atleast you were only minutes away.. i was 2 hours away.
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