welcome baby 300 million.......
At 7:46 AM this morning, the 300 millionth baby was born in the United States, a mere 39 years after the 200 millionth baby was born in 1967. At the statistical rate we are headed in, they estimate that the 400 millionth baby will be born in 2021, or thereabouts.
According to several different news services, baby 300 million was born in Atlanta, at our own Northside Hospital. Woohoo for another first for our lovely city. Of course, New York City is also claiming the honors... so it may be a few days before they can sort it out properly. In the meantime, go forth new baby, have a wonderful life, and remember to do good things.
Hi Ellen
I read this story today too.... amazing really? 300 million people.
Out of all the eligible voters in that number I wonder how many of them vote?
so it's atlanta or is it ny ? cnn predicted the 300 million baby will come from la ! i guess wherever he/she is from , welcome to this world baby 300 m !
There's no way they can know, anyway. It's all statistics. It's merely an estimate. That baby may have already been born. There's never been, and never will be, an exact headcount in this world or even in the U.S.A.
Studies show that with increased population levels, there is increased diseases (deadly ones) and violent crime, as nature tries to reduce the overpopulation. I'm not looking forward to the solution.
That's cool!! Was it a boy or girl?
That's quite the jump, 200 million to 300 million in under 40 years. We are a lot smaller up here north of the border, hovering around 30 million people. That's lower than the population of California! :)
Good question. You figure that our one Northside Hospital (and we have many, many more) delivers an average of 65 babies a day. What scares me more is that many of these will become potential drivers in just 16 years. Our roadways are already overcrammed.
But back to your question.... I'm not sure, but I'm almost willing to bet that the largest part of our population would be under voting age. I'll have to look that one up.
I'd do a rebel call.... but am not sure how to spell it. LOL!
I'm not sure how they could really tell.... after all, we're talking seconds. (It's been said that a baby is born in the US every 11 seconds.) I'm sure they guestimated as best they could.
As far as I could tell, by the interviews on ABC and NBC, the proud parents were the ones from Atlanta. Even they were shocked.
Very true. I wondered how they could possibly know, myself. As I mentioned to John, it was all guestimate.
It is very possible that the baby was already born, after all we do have an immigrant issue here that we're not fully sure if it's 12 or many million more.
The second story that came up on the news after the baby story, is the exact over-population issue you spoke about. It wasn't all that pretty to think, as a nation, how we will handle all these people here. As far as nature... it remains to be seen what is in store there. As we keep raping the land for resources, we damage what was put in place to protect and help us.
A little girl, named Keisha. She's as cute as a button, too.
In the interview with the parents, we found out that they had scheduled a C-section, as the father was due to ship overseas in a couple of weeks, and wanted to be home for the birth. It was a cute story.
What's even more mindblowing is that the next 100 million could be here in just 15 years or so if we keep at the rate we're going.... and it doesn't look like we are about to slow down anytime soon.
Ellen - Getting crowed up in this place. I think the number is actually higher than 300 million.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
PSI deleted JBI, and now some idiot took the blog name, do me a favor and remove my link from your list so you don't sent any of your viewers blog spam.
The Statistic experts have estimated this arrival, I wonder if they'll ever find the actual person, n give them a prize of some sort...?
I don't want to see gow little free space is left when we get to the 400 mil point!
Hope this week is going better for you!
i commented the other day on this, but it got eaten by blogger!
i had said i was wonderingif they thought that the 400 million would include all the baby boomers that are alive today that could be dead by then. i bet they are and i dont' htink we'll hit that number as soon as tehy think. my generation is tending to have smaller family than our gen's parents. i think it'll slow down.
i also wonder if that number includes illegals.. i heard on the radio.. that in california (i think) they're going to make it illegal to rent residences to illegal aliens and hold the landlords criminally responsible.. sounds like good incentive to me to head back to mexico.. they can't work now more than ever, and hell if they can't live anywhere but a cardboard box, then i'd go back, or try to come to the states legally. maybe this move will help move out the illegals in this country. good luck hopping the new fence, guys.
Done (finally).... it's been another long week, so it took me time to get this task completed. I certainly hope you drop by once in awhile to say hello. I will miss your comments.
As far as the population issue. Agreed, we are getting pretty full up in this country.... which brings on many other issues to deal with. Just today they had mentioned that the ozone layer over Antartica was even bigger than they expected for their estimations. Not to worry though (cough, cough)... it should straighten out by itself.... so they say. This problem is just another by-product of our over populating our earth.
Take care, sweetie!
I did hear somewhere that the "winner" (being the parents) would receive a free years worth of Papa Johns pizza. Whoopie, right? I really can't see how they could be able to tell who the 300 millionth person is... but I'm sure they'll come up with somebody just to keep it in the news a bit longer.
No, this week is as busy as last week.... I've entered my own personal Twilight Zone. HELP!
Well, I really shouldn't complain... after all, it is job security, right?
The same thing happened to me when I tried to answer your last comment on my last post. Blogger is a hungry being, with no control!
Good point about the number of illegals... and I'm sure they haven't figured that into the equation. I'm not quite sure how they figure it all out anyway.... but do remember that they had a zero population (where one person dies, and one person is born at the same time; instead of two or four being born when one dies). This happened when I was still young. Personally I don't understand how one could keep up with it anyway. Is it supposed to be the actual number of people (in total) who were born in the US, or was it supposed to be the actual number of people alive at the time of 300 million?
Oh well, let's hope the generation coming up straightens out the mess my generation put us in.
we are running out of room.... very sobering
Thats pretty crazy how many people you guys have. Just imagine how many people aren't accounted for in the US....ones that don't answer censuses or are illegal immegrants, etc. Happy 300-millionth! Cheers! :)
Very true. Even if it seems like we have plenty of actual room for the people, we are running out of resources to keep them alive. And watch the stats rise for unemployment, violence, starvation, etc, etc.....
By the way~ I stopped by your blog, and loved your posts. I will be a regular traveler to your site.
A question that arises all the time. Just how many people are there actually? Many illegals would in no way declare themselves for fear of being deported. We may never know.
I'll tell you though, it feels like they are all on the interstate at the precise moment I need to get somewhere.
I caught the end of a programme last night which was saying that if we continue to use up the earth resources at the rate we are currently by 2050 we will need 3 planet earths - i found it rather sobering that our two continents are the greatest abusers....i wonder what world i have brought my two wee ones into....i also wonder what world they might help to shape
I've also considered the same thoughts, and hope I've taught my son well enough to know what he faces for a future. He's a pretty smart cookie (no prejudice here), and is catching on quick.
It takes time for our children to see the real mistakes my generation made (no not disco), rather the promise we made when we graduated from High School of a better world, recycling, less consumption and waste. I can only hope that they go forth and do good things as we had originally intended to do.... before we dropped the ball.
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