Somewhere along the line life moves along at a palpitable pace.... one which, if we are lucky, we can keep things in perspective, as well as keep up with the necessary day to day chores we alien for ourselves. Being organized, making lists, and skipping through all we set out before us makes us feel accomplished at the end of the day. We did what we set out to do, and we can now give ourselves a great big pat on the back for being so together.
Well, not me lately. It doesn't matter how many lists I make, or how well I follow them. The days are too short, and the lists are too long. I've been derailed. I am struggling to keep up with the many requests asked from me on a daily basis, and I find that I get further behind no matter how many hours I work.... currently the hours add up to 12 hours for my job, and an additional 4 or 5 for personal. I actually did have an afternoon off a few days ago, and I crashed. Lists be damned, I needed some real sleep. With the phone nestled closely to my head, I made a comfortable dent on the couch and traveled to the land of naptime. Without this one moment to myself, I would have surely been a cranky cantankerous witch..... not one of my better sides for the world to see.
So, that all said, I have not abandoned this blog. I am stealing away moments here and there to keep caught up reading.... although even that has not worked too well lately. Since I finally have a few minutes before I finally retire for the night (for the morning hour of 4:30 AM looms close), I wanted to explain to all that the many Christmas parties that I cater have to take precedence for the moment..... after all, they pay the bills. When the busyness of the season ends Christmas Eve, I will fix the derailing track in my life, and continue on. Perhaps the muses will also be kind enough to return..... after all, they did get a taste of the cranky witch, and hid for the season.
Hoping you all are ready for the BIG DAY..... after all, it's only 11 days away! Wherever did the month go?
I completely understand....I am feeling the same at this time.
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!
Don't worry, there's few who remain consistant in blogland, cause life must inevitably call us away to duty, each at our own pace. Good thing we all don't let-up at the same time, so there's always some one to read!
Ready? 11 days... Yikes! I've much to do n so little free time- Tough to be merry when so exhausted. I'm so busy doing things I haven't slept yet!
I bet you'll get more time for the bouncing back after New Years, so hang in there. The good bloggers will be back- (I always check my old reads).
Good luck making it to the next free day!
Hang in there as you put it so eleoquately stated there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I always pray that the light is in the form of a couch with a good movie playing. My busy season is just about to hit, anyday now we will be placing extra trailers all around and replacing them as quickly and as safely as we can with all the extra traffic out there. Your in my prayers for strenght and stamina. :)
Good morning Ellen.
Knowing that you were up to your neck in platters for turkeys :) I have thought about you and the pace you have had to endure.
Crazy busy! And you're right, 4:30 arrives pretty darn quickly!
So.......I just have question.... aside from the much needed downtime R&R, what is on your wish list?
Ellen - So should we sing the song?
Ding Dong, the witch makes bread?
Hang in there, xmas is almost over with.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
I feel your pain, sister! Believe me! It's not work, and it's not school... it's work AND school! Thursday morning is my last final and my last three stories for the paper are due tomorrow... and I have one final on Tuesday. You know what I'm going to do then?? I've got a date, with a real girl. And I won't have to rush through it because I have to meet some deadline. I'll be able to breath for a few weeks. Whew! But at the moment, well you know how it is!
lee ann~
I will really enjoy this season more when Saturday rolls in, and the need for food deminishes a little bit. Thank goodness I'm an early shopper and all my Christmas shopping is done.... except for a few stocking presents.
I have to admit, it's nice to hear the carols on the radio and see all the lights.... so in the few remaining free moments, I really am enjoying the season. Hope you are too!
Thank goodness for those who can keep up, although I really could use their energy right now.
How did the month go so quickly? It seems like I just came home from the Smokies..... and feels like it too, as the weather has been wonderful. All our days have reached up into the 70's, which is rather strange (even for us) this time of year. I'm not complaining about that, though. Nothing worse than working a party with tons of equipment and have to re-load the vans in freezing weather.
I'm with you on the light at the end of the tunnel thing! My enjoyment is to put the tootsies up with a good movie on the telly..... phone service officially put away for the day.
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you with all the rigs on the road. I don't envy you that!
Thanks for the prayers.... I will return a few for you.
Funny thing about this time of year, I was able to talk a lot of folks into Italian fare.... which is a sight easier compared to the hors d'oeuvre menu. Still busy, with quite a few large parties to go, but only 4 more days, and I only have to worry about the family party.
My Christmas wish? I was going to answer you here, but I think I'll save that for a post.... and thanks for being my muse on this one!
Just what I needed.... a good laugh.
I'm hanging.... just 9 parties and 800 people to feed. Can't wait to get the feet up after that.
My son just got through with his semester, and seems to come home wiped out after work and school lately.... can't say as I blame him. Oh well, welcome to the real world, I tell him. He's still in the practice stage.
He did well, and aced all his courses. That means he qualifys for Hope Scholarship.... which equals up to free tuition as long as he maintains an 82 average. Thank goodness for small favors. He starts back in the Spring.
Have a wonderful, relaxing time on your date.... you deserve some downtime away from the chores of life!
I hope you are able to relax when the big day finally gets here and all the preparation is done. I know I am finding myself cutting out hours of sleep just to get everything done in time before my trip. Only 2 more days to go, and about 2 weeks worth of stuff to do, let the panicking begin. :)
This time of year is the busiest in my business (and in many businesses, including yours of course) so I understand entirely. That's why I've had to cut back, myself. I do my daily post, and then must put my nose to the grindstone.
Happy Holidays, honey! And ... Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas :)
Ellen - Merry Christmas Mom!!!! *hugs*
I hope you managed to get everything done before you left... and didn't get caught in the mess of Denvers shutdown due to the blizzards they had.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Your post was hilarious! That is a story for the ages in your family. A good lesson was learned for all: never eat chili before a performance.... especially if you have flatulance occurance at will.
Happy Holidays to you, my friend.... and I hope all has slowed down in your area enough so that you are able to enjoy your day.
And a very Merry Christmas to you and Maria. Enjoy opening up your presents!
Merry Christmas to you, dear! Hope you are enjoying the holiday season! I will be around more now that all the parties stopped, and I can concentrate without being interrupted. Hugs to you and Cody... and may there be many presents to open under your tree. (You did finally break down and put the tree up, didn't you????)
Merry Christmas!
Have a safe and joyful holiday!
Lee Ann
Ellen - Merry Christmas. Nah, I didn't put it up. I was too worried about Cody doing something like that cat did in National Lampoons xmas and having a horrible accident. Maybe next year.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Happy Christmas, hope it's all gone well and you had a peaceful family time, Katie, x
Merry Christmas, Ellen. May your New Year be happy, joyous and free.
Ellen - Hey now! Get a new post up! ;)
Have a great New Year!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Hope you have a good week-end n not too many New Year's parties to run-around too! (I'm working it as usual)
Happy New Year Ellen!
Lee Ann
Happy New Year, Ellen!
Wow, you must be busy. I am eagerly awaiting a "decompression" post.
Ellen.........Happy New Year! Who knows, maybe 2007 will provide an opportunity to meet on a beach.....one bottle of wine, two glasses and the Atlantic ocean staring back at us. What laughs we'd have.
Where in the blazes are you??
Happy New Year Ellen, hope you'll soon find some down time to recharge and relax, missing you here, Katie, x
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