decking the halls......
With Thanksgiving safely tucked away for another year, it's time to concentrate on the holiday madness of Christmas. Even though we are aware that it comes the same time and same day EVERY year... it always feels like we are never ready for it to have come so fast. Didn't we put away the ornaments and lights just last week? How did a whole year zing through in that short amount of time? How was it that I wasn't paying attention?
My tradition is to put up the tree and lights on the first weekend of December....... unlike the neighbors who like to start their lawn decor the Friday after Thanksgiving. Eager beavers, to be sure. Well, who can blame them if they have the time and manpower.... besides, the neighborhood association awards a whopping gift card (worth $25.00) to the coolest display of the neighborhood. I've never won.... and am convinced it's rigged. Anyhoo....... back to the point. I don't adorn my yard with the lighted reindeers or blow-up Santas. Strings of white icicle lights drape from the facia of my house, a nice wreath hangs on the door, and we put a few colored lights on the bushes in front of the house. All very simple, and all within taste, as I abhor anything real flashy for me. However, I do like to see it at other houses.... and sometimes the flashier the better. I must admit that viewing these displays during the day make them come off silly and too contrived..... but in the stillness of the night, driving by, they give off a magical vision.
I've had the opportunity to drive through some of the classier neighborhoods in Atlanta..... you know, the ones where the houses are dressed to the nines with perfectly hung lights, and wreathes on every window. The occupants of the address never do the work themselves, as they always hire out for this position. Of course the effect is spectacular. Then there are the littler neighborhoods like my own, where it is quite obvious we take on the responsibility ourselves. We only have one Clark Griswold in the group.... a man who takes decorating for the holidays far beyond traditional. I would like to see his electric bill at the end of the month, as I'm sure the dials never stop turning and have an accelerated pace to them, especially at Christmas. This particular gentleman dresses up his house for ALL the holidays.... yup, even Valentines Day. The display is complete with holograms, statuettes, blinking lights, and signs. It appears a little over the top, but keeps us amused all the same. I'm only too grateful he lives far down the street from my house... and better yet, not across the street from me. The light show would be deafening.
Every year I find myself in search of the perfect victorian tree. It must be thin, not too tall, and be able to fit into a small area I have reserved for it in my livingroom.... AFTER I move furniture and houseplants to arrange for the spot. Lucky for me, I can spot my Charlie Brown tree within the first few minutes of trolling the rows upon rows of cut trees. And every year, I vow to scale down a bit, perhaps get an even smaller tree, but once the ornaments and lights are out of their boxes, I can't help but get into the spirit of setting up decorations everywhere. (I usually reprimand myself when it's time to take it all down... but don't we all?) I did run across some really nice table-top trees at a local nursery this year, and am still tempted, but I do adore a tree that goes from floor to ceiling, and would still miss not being able to put up ornaments my son and I have collected over the years.....well, mostly me. We did the little traditional thing of hunting down the perfect "new" ornament for many years when he was a child.... at 20, it's no longer a priority for him. However, we did good over the years, as each one has a story of it's own for being chosen. Doesn't everybody have ornaments like that?
So the first weekend in December is already here, and somewhere between juggling twenty Christmas parties and plenty of last minute executive luncheons, I plan to get myself in gear to decorate the house. Since hubby is a ladder-climber, he has the honors of icicle placement on the facia. I plan to be ground supervisor, official tree trimmer, and nativity scene placer, while my son has the honors of setting up the village we add houses and people to each year. By the time we're through, my house has taken on every sense of the word: decorated. The fresh scent of pine permeates the air, Santa and snowmen faces peek out from under the tree limbs to wish all a wonderful season with their smiles.........Christmas red and green is everywhere, and my livingroom takes on an animated look. Many times I get up in the middle of the night to just stare at the lights, in the silence of my home. It is a peaceful and magical time..... a time to reflect, and a time to have a few moments with a cup of tea and my God.
Hi Ellen.
Yes.....this IS the weekend. I've been away all week and have much to do on Saturday with the Christmas Bazaar, but somewhere along the line, the little white "tasteful" lights will be wrapped around the evergreen garland I need to traipse through the woods to collect on my back deck. I have a wreath wire thingy (how expert-like that word is) that I bring out every year to cover in pine and lights as well. It's a huge wreath and fits nicely on my front window. A couple of spotlights, and a few strings in the bushes and et voila! Oh.....and wreath on door.
As you know........trees here are plentiful......I usually purchase a little one for my back deck and shove it in a planter and cover in white lights. At night, sitting in our living room the windows look out to the deck......it's so pretty, especially with the snow.
Speaking of snow.........it is supposed to this weekend, which of course is predictable. Today was a balmy non-breezy day...perfect for outdoor light pursuits but alas, I was at work. Oh no......it must be frightfully bitter to get into the spirit of things.
I will also decorate inside .....similar to you of course since we were separated at birth and seem to have the same perspective on all things tacky :). Our tree goes up around the 15th or so.....and guess what?? Down the hill from me, a nice man sells trees every year that he has cut on his farm. Freshly cut, 8 feet tall......big and bushy for 25 dollars.
I live in Christmas tree country. We don't have to tie it to the van or anything. Normally one of the kids comes with me. We shove it into the van and they hold onto it for dear life while I drive up the hill to our house a block away.
I'm hoping Santa is going to bring me a digital camera for Christmas. And since I've been such a good girl (well at least put up that facade), and since my Dad loves to snoop around Best Buy type stores wondering whom he can buy some gadget for, I have a feeling that Santa will get some help. Anyways...if that's the case, I will send photos......... on Boxing Day.
Cheers.........gee, I'm thirsty for some rum and egg nog all of a sudden.
I always used to give Charlie Brown trees with one flat side a home for the holidays, but haven't bothered since it's only been me.
If I have time I'll find some decs, clean 'em up n put very sparse pieces out, along with putting lights on the outside deck trees, n very few (unbreakable) ornaments.
What's strange is when the deck trees are on n other lights are out, from the main road driving by it looks like floating trees (second story)!
I'm not motovated yet this year, tougher than last, n I get to work-
All my special stuff has been packed away for 7 years now, some from my grandmother, mom's, n kids days. It'll wait for more room n time someday, with the grandkiddies.
Wish I could plan on a bit of relaxation this season.
Good luck with yours!
I can only imagine what a chore it would be to go up 49 steps.... luckily I only have 11. 49 must seem like an eternity! How nice to have a 12 foot tree though... and even better that he surprised you with it. Does that mean he carried it up himself as part of the surprise? Now that's romantic!
Thanks for the good wishes.... I'm actually looking forward to it on Sunday.
You will have a busy weekend decorating, it seems. I'll bet the kids will look forward seeing it all complete.... and I can imagine how nice your deck looks.
How nice that you have someone so close to get a great tree from. Here, we rely on church sales, local Lowes, etc.... and the lowest price is $29.99 for that real scratchy kind of tree. They range up to $100.00 depending on size for the nicer ones, but I'm not tempted. Give me a tree that looks like it might fit into a corner (not too scratchy on the hands), it must be thin in appearance, and affordable. My livingroom is tiny... and very crowded with all the houseplants in there already.
Then there's the village and nativity scene.... why there's hardly any room left for presents.
I hope Santa knows you've been a very good girl this year, and that he does leave a digi camera under the tree. I would love to get pictures!
And a good spiked egg-nog does sound good right about now... I could go for some myself.
I laughed about the floating trees, because I know exactly what you mean. There is a guy around here who ties his Santa lawn ornaments to front trees. During the day it looks like Santa has been taken hostage.... but by night, they give off that floating look.
I remember you put lights out on the deck trees last year, and I'll bet it looks real nice through the window. You are practicing the politically correct thing to do by decorating a live tree rather than a cut down one. One day I shall do the same.... if only I could find a nice place to plant it after. My yard already has far too many trees.
You won't have to work Christmas Day will you? I hope you are able to take some time off to see the girls and grankiddies.... perhaps a few days off in a row??
Supplies are on the way up to you in a few days.... think chocolate!
Happy decorating, this is the weekend we begin to deck the halls. :)
Sounds like you picked up a few pointers from Mom with your decorating talents. This is the weekend we start with ours as well. Although I am still trying to get a full cord of wood split before tommorrows snowfall. I let Sue handle the indoor 'dressing-up' while I get the task of climbing on the roof stringing up lights. In the end we put on a nice display. However there is nothing like the scent of a freshly cut Christmas Tree to brighten up the home.
Good luck with your home. You have a magic touch and I am certain it will fabulous. I will try to call later today.
Love Karl
Hi Ellen,
we've started this weekend too - I love the image you apinted at the end - sometimes I will stay up late just to be with the tree and the fire as it fades and be peaceful and thankful and say a quiet prayer in the midst of it all.
Have a beautiful week,
Christmas is always such an exciting time of year. Family seeing each other, and the end of another year, and the beginning of a new one. Its hard not to get sweeped up in the madness that is the holiday season. I've already started making my Christmas CD for this year, a must for any music lover, like myself.
I will be spending Christmas this year in a much warmer climate, one that will not have snow, and I always find this weird. Growing up with snow in Christmas, its hard to feel Christmasy without the white stuff.
I hope your time leading up to Christmas isn't too busy for you, and you feel prepared enough for the holiday season. :)
skye & M.~
It seems like this weekend was the one that a good amount of people pick to put it all together. Doesn't it seem like you just got it all put up, and it's time to take it all down again?
Hop you both had a great time decking the halls!
Well, I'm still at it. I had a catering this weekend that interrupted my plans, but still managed to at least get the lights and tree up. (In between baking for package mail-outs, the catering which had to be dropped off Saturday night, and picked up Sunday afternoon, and regular household chores.)
I'm loving the fact that my house smells of fresh pine... that's the best scent of the season. Hopefully, I'll get around to putting up the ornaments tonight.
Take some pictures for me and send them to my e-mail... I'd love to see how the house looks.
Cookies are done.... I just need to get to the PO, and luckily they stay open late here (7 pm). They should be mailed out soon!
rainbow dreams~
I finally got my tree, lights, and Christmas village up last night, and had a hard time not staring at it for awhile. It took several hours as I still had many houseplants and such to move and shift around for it all to fit. Tonight I start the ornaments on the tree. I can't wait for the finished effect so I can sit and reflect.... and breathe a big sigh of relief. If only those pesky parties in my head would just be finished so I can empty my mind while I reflect in total peace. I will feel much better after the 23rd... when things slow down.
I know exactly what you mean. When I first moved to Atlanta, a Christmas without snow seemed oddly weird... now I'm just used to it. We did have one year where it did snow on Christmas Day, and that was a nice treat.... even if it was only a dusting.
Cool idea about the CD. Are you giving any away as presents?
And as far as busy... I'll be off-line quite a bit. The parties are rolling in now, and normally what would take us a month to do, happens all in one week. Good times.
sounds like you have a cool home owners association. i hung a few lights on Thanksgiving weekend, only to receive my HO newsletter the next week reminding everyone it's a violation to decorate more than 14 days in advance of the holiday, and you can't hang lights on the 'common area' shrubs...only on the house and in your front patio.
needless to say i unknowingly broke every rule, which made me kinda sad.
this is the same association that makes you fill out an architectural application to paint inside your house or if you want to get a satellite dish (again, i broke all the rules).
My family has lots of traditions for the holiday. They always go all out with decorations. It can be a bit much sometimes, but it is always fun.
I am lucky to have a real liberal homeowners association... I don't even have to belong if I don't want to. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not so good. We can't really complain about anyone wanting to paint their house purple if they so please.... but then, no one can tell us how to decorate our lawns either.
Some associations relax their rules, while others do not... and I do know of a few places around here that will send out their "nazi" letters to violaters of simple things like: mowing the lawn if one blade of grass is out of place. One of my friends is a constant violater in her controlled neighborhood, gets multiple letters over silly stuff... and she's not someone you'd want to mess with.
I love to see other decorations, and the displays they come up with... even if they are a bit over the edge. I wouldn't do it as I like my decoratuions to be a bit simple.... no matter, others are fun as you point out. I can only imagine some of the electric bills they are stuck with though.
I actually won't bother putting up a tree this year (I didn't last year either). I get too busy and there are too many bigger priorities for me right now. I will enjoy the decorations elsewhere, though! ;o)
btw- Yes, I have to work the day!
It's Okay really, because I did get Thanks off n can't expect both days because only two of us know how to work the huge machine. You'd think I was a surgeon the way we're required to do 24/7 at this place. I wish I was paid like one!
Whooppie, my decorating had a faux-pas start... needs another day's work later when the weather cooperates!
I know I'll wish I'd have not put a tree up when it comes time to take it down, but I do like the way it looks in my livingroom. Once more, I found my tree within seconds of looking... and couldn't resist. Well, at least the parties will have quieted down by the time I'm ready to pull the tree... and I'll have time to think again.
I can't believe they would actually make you work on Christmas Day... I just naturally assumed everyone took that day off. I do tell my customers that Christmas is the one and only day we aren't open for business. I'll deliver them something cold they can heat up for Christmas... but the actual day is off limits.
Hope the weather is getting better up there. We had 65 degree weather today.... after a cold start morning.
Ellen - Not sure if I'll put up a tree this year considering all that's gone on in this year. I have a fake that I have stuffed in the closet. Not sure if Cody kitty would destroy it. Good luck with your tree.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
PS. Come look here something wicked this way comes. ;)
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