Friday, March 17, 2006

wearing of the green............

I'ts not really going to matter if you are of Irish descent or not on March 17th.... for some reason EVERYBODY'S IRISH on St. Patrick's Day. Perhaps it is because it has been so ingrained into our culture as Americans..... celebrating yet another holiday. We Americans LOVE holidays, and the greeting card industry loves Americans just for that reason. I'm ok with that as there's nothing better than getting a special greeting card in the mail; rather than the usual tonnage of junk mail and bills. I assure you, no one can convince me otherwise.... corny or not.

As mentioned in a previous post, I am of Italian descent.... only on my Mothers side. My Dad was of Irish and German descent.... so technically, I am *Irish* on St. Patrick's Day; even if it's only 1/4th. It's a day we celebrate by wearing a touch of green.... even if it's in the rivers in Chicago or Savannah we dye to assert our celebration of the day. No matter what..... everybody and everything is Irish on St. Patrick's Day.

That's no problem for me.... and not because I really am Irish, but because green has always been my favorite color. There is something so earthy in it's tones, and so comforting about it's pleasurability to the eye..... as long as you don't count the kelly or lime colors; they are a little too off the chart sprectrum for me. The sages and hunter colors are my favorites. If you'd ever visited my house, there would be no doubt what my favorite color is.... these colors are the dominant palatte that I reside in every day. I always say it's my Irish side, along with my love for meat and potatoes rather than pasta. It's my everyday of "wearing of the green".

So whether you celebrate by wearing your favorite green shirt, or accessory, or going to your favorite watering hole for a few beers, or even attending your favorite parade, everyone has an Irish side on St. Patrick's Day.... be it part lineage or culturally adopted.

Happy St. Patrick's Day..........


Blogger wes said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I'm not really big on this day, mainly because most people don't need a reason to go out and drink a bunch of beer, but I will join in on the festivities anyway. And it seems kind of unfair to everyone else who is not Irish, where is Ukrainian day? That day I would celebrate. :)

2:09 AM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

I saved a green t-shirt for work tomorrow. I have lots of forest, hunter green, n dark teal fabrics, curtains, n towels in here too.

I like green... I denote the color to symbolize prosperity and cash (Feng Shui)!

Thanks for answering my Bonus question!

2:41 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Green and blue are my faves. HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY!

12:52 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Ukrainian Day, huh? That would be interesting. Just make it a little popular in the States, and they'll celebrate it. We are too well known to become anything on these holidays, even if it's Ukrainian for a day.


Green is a good feng shui color, and I could use that cash it demotes...hahaha!
BTW- I found the site where your questions came from and posted them in your comments. Too bad I couldn't get them done early so you could win a prize!


Happy St. Patty's to you too. Although I don't suppose England celebrates it as much as we do across the pond, huh?


Erin Go Braugh, to you too! I love the hat! You are so creative!

BTW- I cannot get into your comment section, and I so wanted to leave one yesterday about the Katherine Harris statement. How do you think the Kennedy's got into office. Papa Joe bought their way in, and we all know where he got his money.

I have no clue why, but blogger is not letting me into some of my sidebar sites (Scott, Neo, and Saurkrauts comments). It's not that I am ignoring you, I just am FORBIDDEN to get there. Neo, if you read this, I need help. I might have deleted some necessary cookies (not sure), and my spell-check is down as well. AARRGG!

2:06 PM  
Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

How true. I remember how in grade school the build up for St. Pattys day started right on the heals of St. Valentines Day - another non-holiday holiday. The red hearts came down and the green clovers went up.

It's interesting that I don't remember ever learning what these holidays originated from. Even big ones like Easter and Christmas were long on ritual but short on substance. Could be the PC world we live in, or perhaps that the meaning today is the pomp and nothing more. No matter I guess, it is what it is.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

~ Mike

4:02 PM  
Blogger Milk Brain said...

you mention savannah.... i was in savannah once for st. patty's day visiting my boyfriend at the time... he went to SCAD... but i digress.... those people are crazy down there... the party last's all week, and i witnessed the longest most boring parade ever! there were 2 things i remember... the piggly wiggly float was hilarious, and i rememebr storm troopers marching inthe

4:54 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Gotta love the US for celebrating everything, huh? I guess it's because we are so multi-cultural, and made up of many nations.
We can blame the Walmarts and Hallmark stores for getting the stuff up early... and I do find that a little disturbing. It's almost shoved down out throats.
Easter stuff has already been up at our grocery store since the Valentine stuff came down.

We used to traditionally celebrate it in our house with a corned beef and cabbage dinner my Dad would cook. You could smell our kitchen a mile away! My parents were pretty cool about celebrating all holidays... they were a big deal in our house.


Yeah, those crazy southerners in Savannah! LOL!

Did you ever read the book, "Midnight In The Garden Of Good and Evil"? ... or see the movie? That's exactly how they are in Savannah on St. Patty's Day, and pretty much all the time.

I remember the first time I saw a Piggly Wiggly store, and laughed at the name. I was used to Stop & Shops or A&P's of the NE .... Piggly Wiggly had me rolling on the floor. The other one that made me giggle was Winn-Dixie. How southern are those names? Both of them are not around Atlanta anymore... the big Kroger's and Publix's have taken over.

I've never been to Savannah on St. Pat's... I tried one year, but you have to make your reservations years in advance in order to stay anywhere now. I've been in the summer... can you say: hotter than the gates of hell, cause that's how humid it is.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen - Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too! *HUGS*

I'm going to enjoy both the Friday and my Irish day in one swoop. (Yes, I'm Irish!)

Too bad we can't get the parade on our day. They always have it a week earlier here in Philly.

Have a great day!

Peace & Hugs,

- Neo

7:01 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

How can they possibly have the parade early by a week?
Hope you have your 30-pack ready... tell me, is it *green*?

Sending virtual hugs and kisses... because after all, it's "kiss me, I'm Irish Day" as well!


7:30 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen - Ha, you know I have that 30 pack ready. And no it's not green. ;)

I know the logistics for a Irish Parade during the week would be a pain, but I think the Irish deserve it. They do everyone else's parades on their days. Why not the Irish?

Neo raises his beer.


Peace & Hugs,

- Neo

8:02 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Boston has their parade on Sunday, forecast is for the 30's, n clear at least... I've never actually seen the parade for this holiday.

4:13 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

LOL... no green beer for you!
I'm just kind of surprised that they didn't have their parade today (saturday) instead of last week. Oh well.... it's not like they don't celebrate it for a whole week anyway; or months in the grocery stores.


I've never been to the Boston one either. I've only celebrated two things there: First Night in 1980, and Tall Ships back in the early 80's. Both times were a lot of fun!

8:42 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

post script~
I'm still experiencing a lot of trouble with blogger and getting onto sites... hopefully they will clear up in the next few days.

Have a great weekend everybody!

8:44 AM  

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