Tuesday, November 01, 2005

and now the season begins....

So how many of you have just noticed that it is November? Well, yes, the trees are in the process of changing, and the weather has gotten a bit cooler in the mornings. But did you notice that the year has literally flown by? No pun intended to the victims of all the hurricanes, earthquakes and other disastrous catastrophe's, because they had a first hand to the flying process, losing much more than any of us can possibly comprehend. So now my heart goes out to all of them... everywhere in the world.

Imagine your comfortable world ravaged by all the ills the weather can throw at you. Suddenly, everything that you knew to be true and working, was all taken away, and you had to scramble every ounce of your will not to give in or break down, because every bit of that energy was needed to start over. Questions have to be answered as to where your next meal is coming from, where to live, what to do... and that's just the beginning of the list.

We have the American custom of celebrating Thanksgiving at the end of November... but imagine how many people will go without the essentials, never mind turkey and stuffing. I can only imagine they wonder what there is to be thankful for. Life, yes, but I'm sure their needs go much deeper, as they try to put it all back together... and the word "life" to them means survival. They have truly had their butts kicked only because they live in areas susceptible to all that Mother Nature could throw at them.

Our nation comes together and holds fund-raisers, collects monies and mourns for their sadness, but those unaffected will still be able to sit down at the end of the day and breathe a sigh of relief that they are lucky ( so far ) to be out of harms way. After all, it's not like we can harness the weather, or put definite predictability as to where the disasters will happen. We can only hope that they don't strike us and leave us with nothing.

So with Thanksgiving only weeks away, I throw a challenge to all to be thankful for what you have as you carve your turkey, and say a silent prayer to those without... be it due to catastrophe or just hard luck circumstances. I know it's not much, but in the scope of all that's before us, it's a moment to think of something or someone other than ourselves.


Blogger Neo said...

Ellen - Nice post. Sadly too many people don't take the time to appreciate what they have while they have it. I for one will be very glad when this year is over.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Thanks, Neo. I started to write one thing and my fingers just started to type another, as is so typical with me. Suddenly I had the feeling that I had so much to be grateful for.

6:16 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Ellen - That's how you do. Let the free thought drive your posts. You'll find it's much easier. Although sometimes a good planned out post feels just as good.


Yes, Thanksgiving is gonna be tough this year.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

I'm always humbly thankful n aware of what the world lets me have.

I've spent most of my adult life struggling to just afford the basics, n the economic world of people has been much meaner to me than the planet has...
I learned so long ago not to take things for granted, especially those ya love. I've lost so many!

I always know it's November cause I've got lots of b-days to get ready for, some of which are always celebrated on Gobble-day, including mine n my bro!

7:34 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

Neo- I just don't know what came over me today.... guess it's been nagging at me for a while, and felt good to unload the thoughts.

Snaggle- My family used to have a similar situation with the birthdays, etc. in November. Sadly, my family lost my Mom on Thanksgiving in 1979, so it kind of brought new meaning to the day for me.
Yeah, the economic world is a real pain in the butt... I only wish for you that someday someone finds your real talent and rewards you highly for it.

8:09 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Thanks Ellen. I'm hopin for that reward needed very soon...
I know how tough it is to feel like celebrating after the parents go, my mom passed in Nov also, (at least she made it past my b-day) Dad gone of the same cancer 15 years earlier (Feb), why ya learn not to take life for granted.
Time will be up soon enough!

9:11 PM  

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